About-Baker: Attended Baker from 1950 thru graduation-1957. In high school I wrote for the Lion's Roar and the Arrowhead. Was on the staff of both for several years. Worked after school(Village Theatre & A & P) in the Village Shopping Center, and had little time sports or extra curricular activity. Had several memorable moments. Winning the State Basketball championship in Atlanta against Jordan in 1956 was one highlight. I was in attendance and wrote the article for the Lion's Roar. Now all of our Senior Year seems like a dream. What a year!!! Have been gone from Columbus since 1962, and lost touch with almost everyone. The re-unions have been great. The "2000 Millineum" re-union was a great idea. Have re-established some old friendships because of the get-to-gethers. Look forward to the one planned for 2005. After Baker-Joined Air Force in fall of 57' and 2 & 1/2 years overseas. England & Turkey. Went to work for State Insurance Commissioner of Georgia in 1963 and retired in Nov. 62'. Started my own Consulting business and now own several small business'. Have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. All live in the Atlanta area. Married for second time in 1986. Have a step-son with 3 children. Enjoy hunting and fishing as well as travel. Have lived in the big towns and small rural communities. Now enjoy being in the country with 40 acres and a pond. Plan to slow down the work schedule and semi-retire. Doubt if I'll ever quit.
January, 2003
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