About-Baker: I attended Baker from the first grade through graduation. I play basketball and was a member of the 1956 State Championship team. I enjoy all of by years at Baker. I grew in "Happy Days" time.
After-Baker: I married Barbara Mundy-class of 1958. We moved from Columbus in 1963 and I have lived in Gray, GA ever since. Most of my working career has been as a project engineer. I retire in Feburary 2002. Barbara passed away in 1985. We have 4 children and 12 grandchildren. I have since remarried, Linda Nesmith-Miller/Lanier Class 1959. We have 4 children, 4 children-in-law, and 15 grandchildren. We are active in church activities, western square dancing and grandchildren's activities. I participate in state and nation senior basketball.
January, 2002
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