About-Baker: I only went to Baker for my senior year. I was another military dependent passing through Columbus. Most memorable moment? Finally graduating, from my third high school since the tenth grade. Second most memorable moment-walking into the boys room as two other boys were trying to shake down my little brother for his lunch money. Since the odds were no longer in their favor, the issue ended.
After-Baker: After BHS I went into the Army for 3 years, serving my last year at Fort Benning. I started college part-time and received a BA from the University of South Florida in 1969. That year, I became a civilian personnel management intern for the Department of Army and have stayed in that occupation since; it has involved a half dozen moves including a 5 year tour in Germany. Alice and I have one son, born in Frankfurt Germany in 1980. He studied computer science at North Carolina State University and graduated in 2002. He is now employed as a software engineer. We have been at Ft Bragg, NC since 1994. I celebrated my 62th birthday by retiring in August 2003. I guess retirement is not forever. In June 2006 got reemployed as a government contractor for one year; October 2008 began a part-time temporary position back as a civil service employee.
November, 2008
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Contact information for Richard Baker Lions only