Moved to Baker from Naples, Italy, where total high school size was 200! Most memorable moments? Times with Jean Cannington, LC Story, Roxie & Richie, John and Wanda and other good folks.
Lived in Bangladesh for 3 years working in international health areas; directing an international non-profit (Child Health Foundation) dedicated to saving children worldwide with low-cost approaches.
Have 3 children, 2 grandchildren (where did the time go!) and now am manufacturing an oral electrolyte product, CeraLyte, good for preventing or correcting dehydration. Percentage of profits of product go to charity. I continue to serve on several non-profit Boards, including Child Health Foundation (see Independent Charities of America for info), National Council for Intl Health, and Christian Children's Fund.
Ambition? Work less, make more $, help more effectively...never retire, but slow down and get on the windsurfer again!
June, 1997
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