About-Baker: Too fat and slow for sports, and would rather play than work. Spent a lot of time with OP, and I am sure Dr. Kirby looked forward to our almost daily encounters. Not to mention my time spent with Mrs. Deaton and Coach Watkins. Always enjoyed the Burger Boy, Firm Roberts, The Shamrock and The Streamliner, and who can forget those intra school exchanges at the Goo Goo, Clearview, Krystal in Wynnton and the Hitching Post. Never made the "in crowd" but I was always good for a ride home whenever someone broke up with their boyfriend. Most memorable moment(s): Jim and John, Doug, Curly, Chuck, Frankie, Jackie, Richie, Sherry, Rhonda, Linda, and Anne(s). Badcock's english class, Coach Roberts. My 1928 Ford without brakes, and the 1950 convertable.
After-Baker: Columbus College while working at WRBL Tv, transferred to UGA and was drafted in 1968. Spent 2 years in the Honor Guard at Ft, Myer in Arlington. After early out finished at UGA. Worked in Fort Wayne Ind. and then to the Whirlpool Corporation, Media Relations,Benton Harbor Michigan. Moved back south and spent a life time in Montgomery, moved to Columbus WTVM for 7 years. Built and sign-on WXTX, then to Tuscaloosa to sign on WDBB. Moved to WDEF-TV in Chattanooga in 1985, then on WTVC-TV Chattanooga in 1989 and unless you've heard something I am still there. Married at the age of 34, 2 daughters both at the University of Ga, divorced in 1985, married again in 1994 another daughter age 4. Been a Sunday School teacher for almost 12 years, member of Signal Mountain Pres.
February, 2002
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