About-Baker: ROTC, Rifle Team, Debate, Yearbook and Paper photographer. Many good memories but graduation night stands out best. Enjoyed good friends (fellow nerds.)
After-Baker: Univ of Georgia 3 years, girls, enlisted in US Navy as electronics technician, served 3 years in Panama. Univ of Missouri at Kansas City with BA in Philosophy. Army OCS commission into Signal Corps; played with radios and computers another 16 years. Served again in Panama, Ft Hood Texas (near where I retired), Korea, and dozens of short trips to Germany and all over ... never boring. Second bachelor's and master's degree in Computer Science and Information systems. About 12 years as a civilian Operations Research Analyst trying to use math and computer data to help the important guys make decisions ... got to stick my nose in all the fun stuff. Ten years teaching computer science as an adjunct instructor until I was offered an assistant professorship fulltime (thank God they didn't pay enough to attract a Ph. D.) I enjoy seeing the lights come on in students' eyes. Play with computers, bluegrass banjo, grandson, wife, two dogs, science fiction, philosophy (never got over the courses I took in KCMO.) Ambition to build 'mama' her dream house and still have hopes to write a great American novel. Two children: one electronics/computer engineer son in Austin TX, one high school math teacher daughter. Mother-in-law lives with us: gracious Southern lady who cooks (all my friends envy that.) Still enjoy offbeat humor.
June, 2001
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