About-Baker: . Was in Jr. Civitan Club. Left Baker in 1961 after the end of my Junior Year (admitted into Columbus Junior College without graduating from Baker)... they (and Dr. Kirby) could not figure a way to keep me from enrolling at CC. After-Baker: Attended Columbus College from 1961-1963 (President of Student Government Association '62-'63). Attended Auburn from 1963-1967 (with National Guard in between). I also substitute "taught" at Baker in '64-65. Graduated from Auburn with BS in Industrial Engineering. Got MBA in 1983 from Florida Institute of Technology. Currently (2005)live in Clearwater, Florida with wife Sherry. Work as a Quality Systems Manager for a Cosmetic Manufacturer in St. Petersburg, FL.
May, 2005
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Contact information for Guerry Baker Lions only