I enlisted in the Air Force in May of 1967. During my time in the Air Force, I was stationed in Florida, Colorado, Thailand, Japan, and Korea. I attended Columbus Technical school from May 1971 until I graduated in Sept 1972. While employed at Robins A.F.B,I attended Macon College and graduated in the spring of 1978. I started work at Robins A.F.B.in Sept of 1972, and I have worked in the Precision Measurement Calibration Lab, Electronic Warefare Division, and presently work in the C5 aircraft division as an Avionics Mechanic in the fuctional test section.
I have been married and divorced twice. Once for nine years, and the second time could almost be counted in days; 2 yrs. I have remained single since my second divorce in 1988. By not dating, I had time to take up snow skiing and SCUBA diving, and white water rafting. I have enjoyed going out west to snow ski and to the Caribbean to do most of my SCUBA diving. I have one son by my first wife, his name is Christopher Wayne, a granddaughter, Kirsty Michelle and a grandson Andruw Warren.
I wish more of my friends from Baker would contact me to say hi, so I could see how different our lives have traveled the different roads in life.
May, 2006
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