I was Mr. Liebendorfer's Honor Student at the Honors Banquet. I went to the dinner and got to sit by him that night. (And to think he tried to kick me out of his class earlier in the year...and just because I made a "B". I told my parents that I didn't want to go to Accelerated English. I was learning so much from Mr. Liebendorfer that I felt I would benefit by my attendance in his regular class! I waltzed the night away at the Senior Prom w/John De Champ. We double dated with Pat Smith and Richard Short. Capped the night with dinner at Pancho Villas and a walk by the "docks".
I am a Computer Assistant with Civil Service at Ft Bragg, NC. I love the person/person interaction. Oil and Watercolor are part of my artistic endeavors. I am studying herbs, by growing and using them in cooking, etc. I love to read new age, self-improvement books and share knowledge with "Kindred Spirits" and Silva Graduates.
August, 1996
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