At Baker, I was in the Key Club and Beta Kappa, and played basketball and tennis.
I enjoyed our trips to Panama City together the most and skipping school to go swimming in the Rock Quarries. I was not a very good student to speak the truth, was very shy, and loved the school but was happy to graduate and get my initial training in the service (Microwave Communications).
I made a lot of real fine friends at Baker and miss the school.
Over the last two and a half years I've spent $50,000 in training and travel to become knowledgeable of all different kinds of types of computers, as well as networking. I like Windows 95 and Win N.T. Server the most and plan on continuing my education.
I'm just getting started at Web Page writing and should have my new Web page built by mid-July. Check it out using the hotlink below.
June, 1996
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