I was active in scholastic clubs, the English Club, the French Club, the Jr. Red Cross, Delta Tri-Y, and the Anchor Club. I was pretty quiet and shy. Some of the times I remember were riding the bus to the County fair with Becky Burt, Sandi Faaborg, and Linda Blankenship. It was the night of the Moorehouse College football game and my parents went ballistic when they found out we were next door at the fairgrounds.
I graduated from Columbus College, West Georgia College, Emory University, and UGA. I am presently teaching nursing. Am married with two children, Chad - age 24 and Dedra - age 5. My husband, Alan, builds multi-family housing in Atlanta. We lead a rather hectic, though unexciting life. Our kindergartener keeps us very busy and on our toes. We live on the old Craig plantation that was built in the early 1800s.
February, 1997
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