After graduation I attended Columbus College, now Columbus State University, and Troy State University, obtaining a BS in Criminal Justice. In 1973 I began working at the Columbus Police Department, eventually becoming an investigator before transferring to the District Attorney's office in 1977. I am now employed by the State of Georgia in the same office, working with law enforcement agencies and courts in all 6 counties of the Chattahoochee Judicial Circuit. I have been married 26 years to the same great guy, Mike Tidd, and we live in Harris County, Ga. We have 2 kids-Matt-24, now serving in the US Navy, and Hillary-20, a sophomore at UGA. GO, DAWGS! Matt is married to the former Beth Rodgers of Columbus and they have one son, Matthew H. Tidd III "Tripp" - our first grandchild! The best thing I have done in regards to Baker High School since graduation is work on BUMS 2000, the first all-class reunion for Baker. If attendance is a fair measure (about 2,000) then the event was a huge success and a powerful force in our lives. Many of us from classes spanning the life of BHS worked hard to make the event the success and became great friends in the process. I find it hard to believe that so much time has passed since high school remembering when we thought it would never end! Now both my kids have graduated and they are saying the same things. I can only hope they made enough great memories during their 4 years that when they attend their high school reunions they will have as much fun as we have had.
September, 2005
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