My most memorable moments at Baker would probably lie somewhere between catching greased pigs on Sadie Hawkins Day, seeing the school auditorium burn, and sitting in English class at 9:00 a.m. as a squad of riot police walked through the courtyard to try and squelch the civil unrest.
Since graduating from Baker I attended CSU, Auburn, and UGA. Marriage to my high school sweetheart ended after 11 years, but the upswing is that we did have two children. I remarried after 7 years of swearing that I would never make that mistake again and can attest to the prospect that "It's better the second time around." Having recently retired from the State of GA, I now have a service company which keeps me fairly busy when we're not water skiing, snowskiing, renovating investment properties, or puttering around our homes in the country. Healthwise, I have been really fortunate, and I am thankful for the blessing.
April, 2006
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