I most remember the wonderful friendships of the many classmates I knew while attending my freshman and sophomore years at Baker.
The summer after my sophomore year at Baker, my father retired from the Army and we moved to SW Georgia. After graduating from Pelham High School, I started an administrative job and got married. In 1975, my husband and I were the first married couple in our county to join the Army (as a couple). We lived in South Carolina and Germany, where my children were born (one daughter, Denver in 1978 and one son, David in 1980). From there we went to New Mexico. We eventually moved back to SW Georgia where I worked civil service at the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, GA. My first husband and I were divorced in 1989, I remarried in 1991 and moved to San Antonio in 1994. I currently am still working civil service in the Dermatology Clinic at Wilford Hall USAF Hospital at Lackland AFB. We love San Antonio and recently bought a house (finally).
March, 1998
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