I attended Baker High School during 1968-1972. My years at Baker were the best. Party! Party! Party! We all had a great time but our grades were not the best. Football games, the Krystal, sock hops and Lake Juniper bring back many memories. My most memorable moment was when Ricky Rocha took my car to the bank and when he came back he parked it in front of a fire hydrant. That afternoon the auditorium burned down and my car was blocking the fire hydrant!
I am a first grade teacher (can you believe it) at Double Churches Elementary.
Only three years until I get to retire!!! I have two children, Katie is a teacher at Hannan Elementary here in Columbus and Jake works at Bill heard Cheverolet as a recruiter/trainer in Atlanta. Jake is married and has three children
August, 2007
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Contact information for Chelzie Baker Lions only