Audio-Visual coordinator at Baker.
How can anyone forget?
We had riots, the auditorium on fire,
sixteen inches of snow, the number one football team,
a superior rated band, muscle cars,
DIXIE was banned from being played at football games;
Remember Robert E. Lee High (burning the Confederate flag, while playing DIXIE),
some game huh?
Red bandannas...
Basically having a great time!
Oh well, Back to reality...
I moved to Maryland's Eastern shore, on the Chesapeake Bay in 2001.
I got remarried that same year. My wife and I work
in Wilmington, Delaware, which is about an hour commute from here.
We spend our summers boating on our 34 foot cabin cruiser,
up and down the Chester river, or on the bay,
where often times I think about the Chattahoochie,
and the times spent there fishing and partying.
We have 3 grandchildren now, and enjoy spoiling them,
and watching them grow. What a pleasure it is
to have children that you can send home, LOL!!!
All the joy and half the fuss.
I thought leaving the Ft. Benning area would free me
from the influence of listening to military maneuvers,
until I discovered Aberdeen Proving grounds
across the bay about a mile, was not going to be a day in paradise either
when they start testing their bombs.
Although Maryland is still technically in Dixie,
these Northeasterners are something else.
Good ole Southern Hospitality and manners seemed to have disappeared
up in this neck of the woods.
Just try asking for grits. Never mind finding a moon pie, or an RC Cola.
Where is Alan Jackson when you need him?
I thought traffic in Atlanta was bad. Up here, they redefine rude.
When it comes to aggressive driving, they actually will pass you on the shoulder,
while going through a red light. Oh how I wish
the GA State patrol could come up here in force
for about a week. We could eliminate personal income tax
in no time. Speaking of which, You would not believe the stuff they tax up here.
If you can dream it, they can tax it.
Best of luck to all you BHS'ers
Life is Good
Vince Pfeiffer
January, 2006
Vince's e-mail address:
Contact information for Vince Baker Lions only