About-Baker: I was on the Lion's Roar staff my senior year and was also a member of the English Club. My most memorable Baker moment was the auditorium burning my freshman year, it happened the day after Lt. Calley was convicted at Ft. Benning for Mi Lai.
After-Baker: I attended Columbus College for a short time and lived in Columbus until the fall of 1984. I moved to Atlanta and married my husband in 1985 which also was the year our daughter, Ashley, was born. We moved to Seattle in 1989 and lived there for a year and a half. October 1990 was the move to the hinterlands of Oklahoma - we live in Broken Arrow which is a town south of Tulsa. We've lived through all the tragedies that have happened here - the tornadoes and, of course, the bombing in Oklahoma City, and more recently, the plane crash that killed members of the Oklahoma State basketball team. I have come to appreciate Oklahomans for their amazing survival spirit and their truly genuine giving to all people who need it. Tulsa is a great place to live.
2004 UPDATE: My daughter will graduate from Broken Arrow Senior High School in Broken Arrow, OK on May 13. She will graduate in the top 20% of her class of 1,036 students. In the Fall, she will begin classes at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, KS (ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK!), majoring in Vocal Performance (Opera) and Music Education. She received a scholarship for her talent as well as a KU Freshman Honors Scholar scholarship. As for me.....I was diagnosed in December 2003 with MS which has affected my left leg. On my recent doctor's visit, my reflexes in this leg are back to normal so hopefully things are turning around due to the medication. I am back to running some and I exercise every day. Needless to say, this has opened a whole new world for me. 2005- I will start yet another chapter in my MS life. In July, I will go thru training to become an Advocate of MS with the company that manufactures my daily injection. This will be in addition to my full-time job at a consulting company. My responsibilities will include making support calls to those just beginning the medication as well as being at events the drug company sponsors. THERE IS LIFE TO BE LIVED WITH MS!
June, 2005
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Contact information for Mary Baker Lions only