About-Baker: Wrestling team sophomore, Junior and Senior years; Freshman Football team; Track team Freshman and Senior years; Cross Country team Senior year. Wrestling was my main interest and I enjoyed traveling to other schools for tournaments. The members of the Wrestling team were very close friends.
After-Baker: After graduating from high scholl in 1975, I spent four years in the US Navy as a Hospital Corpsman assigned with the USMC at Camp Pendleton, CA, and then at Mayport Naval Station near Jacksonville, FL. After being released from Active Duty in Jacksonville, I received an A.A. in General Education from Florida Junior College in Jacksonville, Fl, and then a B.A. in Chemistry from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fl. I worked for various environmental consulting firms in Florida over the next fifteen years living in the Tampa area. I married my current wife, Beverly, and we have three sons, Matthew, Jason, and Christian. I coached football for the Tampa Bay Youth Football League for twelve years, three of which we went undefeated and won three Superbowls. I coached Wrestling at Leto and Gaither High Schools, as well, seeing Jason go to the State finals three years. In 1994, I began working on a Masters of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and received my Th.M. in May 1998. After working several semesters toward a Ph.D., I returned to Active Duty in the US Army as a Chaplain and have been assigned to Fort Gordon, Georgia since March 2000.
October, 2001
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