I attended summer school in 1977 and graduated a year early. I think because I graduated early that dropped me off any class reunion lists, etc. I am not listed in my class directory. I met Wyndol in 1987 where we both worked at the time and we were married 2/6/88. We have two boys Ethan (5) and Jonah (3) and our third and last child is due June 11, 1996. I was in the National Honor Society and very proud of all my Baker siblings. I feel Baker is a major part of my heritage. Best friend in high school was Laura Dunford. We lost touch. I worked in the library and in the attendance office w/Mr Camp(?) in 1985 after I graduated from Columbuss College.
I graduated from Cols College, 1985 w/degree in accounting. Just quit work at Robinson, Grimes & Co, an accounting firm, after seven years service. Worked w/Carol Stephenson, class of 71?, while there. I am now a full time Mom. We are raising Emu. If interested call us. Wyndol is doing fine, working at Litho-Krome in Columbus. See Andrea Richardson Vollentine for siblings and e-mail address.
May, 1998
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