Band (concert and marching), track and field (senior year) Eco Club, Exchangettes, Allied Health Club... I don't have just a mist memorable moment (that I can think of right now) but I do remember the band sitting in the football stands (me, MIchelle Aldridge, and Van Hendrix) cheering ourselves hoarse. (For some reason the cheerleaders always cheered in front of us.)
I remember the dances! I remeber chili dogs? Oh, yeah! They always serves those in one line at lunch. I remember many good times with Connie Peterson...
I began college at Georgia Southwestern in Americus - Zena Walker, do you remember? I transferred to Columbus College and graduated in 1984. On the day of my last final I got married to Quinton Schwengel. That was thirteen years ago June 8. Now we have two great kids, Caleb Samuel-11 and Kathryn Erin-8.
We've move several times and have settled (I think) in Rome, Georgia. My husband is a photographer and I am the secretary for children/youth at First Baptist Church. I like to paint, garden, and do just about anything outdoorsy.
March, 1997
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