Who's Who Among American High School Students, 3rd year
Student Government, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year.
Homeroom President, 1st, and 2nd year.
Homeroom Vice-President, 3rd year.
1st Saxophone, Band, 1st year (1985-86)
2nd Platoon "B" Company Commander, 4th year
Rifle Team, ROTC, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year (1986-89)
Rifle Team Captain, ROTC, 4th year (1988-89)
Ranger Team, ROTC, 3rd year (1987)
Homecomming Honor Guard, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year
I've been busy... Enlisted in the U.S. Air force (28 FEB 90), stationed at: (1) Lackland AFB, Texas (2) Keesler AFB, Mississippi (3) Randolph AFB, Texas (4) Eielson AFB, Alaska (currenly until DEC 1998) as an Air Traffic Controller. Married since 25 MAY 91, with 2 children, Monique (24 MAR 94) and Xavier (9 OCT 95) Studying for a degree in Airway Science. The thing that I enjoy most is working with computers and kids whom enjoy learning about computers. My biggest ambitions is to come back to Columbus, working for the FAA at the airport as a controller.
February, 1997
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