Baker High School Class of 1961
Columbus, Georgia on "Columbus Day Weekend"
Especially for Classes of 1958 - 1964
October 5, 6, 7, and 8, 2001
Columbus Sheraton HotelMail your Dinner / Dance check and this form to:
Elva Griner Sherwood, 6448 Pinebark Way, Morrow, GA 30260_____I am sending in my event fee of $60 for the Weekend Activities which includes the Friday evening meal and dance and Saturday evening meal and dance, before August 2001. I can't wait to see everyone! (Complete the form on this page.)
_____I will be arriving in Columbus on Saturday, October 6, 2001, and I am sending in my event fee of $40 for the Saturday evening meal and dance.
My Name at Baker______________________________________Class of_________________________
My Name now (if changed)________________________________
My Address now (you can use a mailing sticker here)____________________________________________
My city/state/zip_____________________________________________
Phone Number_________________________________Fax_____________________________________
Email Address______________________________________________________________________________I am sending another $60 for someone else to attend the Weekend Events. (Spouse, dance partner, or an unfortunate classmate to be determined by the committee).
_____I am sending another $40 for someone else to attend Saturday night also. (Spouse, dance partner, or an unfortunate classmate to be determined by the committee).
My Guest's Name_________________________BHS Class of __________________(if applicable)
Guest's Name at Baker (if applicable)_______________________________________________________
Guest's Name now (if changed)_____________________________(will appear on meal ticket)
Guest's Address________________________________________
Guest's Email Address____________________________________My Music suggestions are:________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________I want to buy a copy of my missing Annual. The years that I want are_____,_____,_____,___________
(You will be notified of the cost prior to printing. Printing date is 2002.)