I taught mathematics at Baker from 1970 to 1977. While at Baker, I served as a class sponsor for the class of '74, as tennis coach, and athletic trainer. I have fond memories of my fellow faculty members and several of my students that worked so hard for the Jr.-Sr. Prom. I have other memories of the strife and turmoil that ocurred during this time.
After leaving Baker, I worked for 7 years at Kendrick H.S. before moving to a small town north of Knoxville, Tn. I have now moved back to my hometown of Geneva, Alabama. A small town in southeast Alabama. I married a Baker alumni, Linda Bennett. We have 4 children that we call the A-team (Amy-22, Amanda-18, Arin-13, and Alex-10). We were married 24 years up until 1997. Linda and part of the A-team still live in TN. My oldest daughter is now married and has received her R.N. degree in May, 2002. My second daughter, Amanda, just graduated #2 in class at Geneva High School and is now attending Troy State University where she plans to major in pharmacy. I am back to what I like doing and that is teaching mathematics to high school students. I have tried various occupations but teaching is what I like most. Besides teaching, I still do athletic training along with refereeing high school basketball and umpiring high school and college baseball. I hope to be able to hear from some of my fellow faculty members at Baker and some of my students.
August, 2002
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