Email Newsletters by Cherry Dawn Langley Chambers
Baker's Best Lion Fest, Class of '70
Luv My Lions!!!
October 10, 2005
Hear Ye, Hear Ye
Here’s your all important schedule of events beginning on Friday, October 14 at the Hilton Garden Inn, 1500 Bradley Lake Blvd ,706-660-1915.
The pre-party warm-up will start about sunrise— JUST KIDDING! — around 9 a.m. on Friday, October 14th for those who want to get in on the balloon party. Actually we’ll be putting finishing touches on “stuff” as well as blowing balloons. Very casual/informal. Come if you want a sneak peak or have nothing better to do! Be warned—I will put you to work.
The Of-ficial Gathering of the Pride will commence at six p.m. (until 11-ish) in the Lions' Den Headquarters aka the Hilton Garden Inn. Expect light snacks (chips and nuts), a slice (or square) of Baker cake, a cash bar, photo ops, some general schmoozing, a silent auction, and a few other surprises. Plan to present your paws for paw-printing and retrieve any pictures that you loaned us. Be sure to sign the Baker Banner and read the message board to see who has already arrived. Dress for this social schmoozing (how is that word spelled anyway?) is just "come as you are" cause we're there for fun and…schmoozing (love that word ). Expect a variety of attire cause we female types enjoy dressing up—any excuse will do. No ties admitted (kidding, again
), but I don’t imagine a tie will be there unless it’s attached to a hard at it, just-left-work Lion, and what are the chances of that happening?
After 11:30, night-loving Lions (no owls here) will commence to prowling around the outdoor patio area by the lake and will pass time howling, yowling, or purring--depending on your liquid intake. Don’t get too carried away, cause Saturday is mere hours away!
Saturday, October 15
Clear headed Lions will enjoy breakfast (or a saucer of milk if needed) wherever they like on their own $$dimes.
Then about 11-ish, members of the Pride will pad on over to Cooper Creek Park for some fun and games and a little carnivorous activity provided for all PREVIOUSLY Registered Cats. We’ll be set up at the first area you come to in the park (nearest the potty for obvious reasons)—look for one of our two beautiful banners (Thanks to Poppy Lopez).
The major food group will be made up of dogs (hot-type) and some topping-type fixins appropriate for hungry Cats to consume. If there’s enough ($$$) left in the kitty after I pay all the big bills, we’ll have burgers, too. Feel free to bring some slaw or baked beans or anything else you like to add variety. We’ll also have tea (only one volunteered to bring tea at this time—could use a few more) and sodas to drink.
Very Important: All participating Lions must be tagged for attendance BEFORE they arrive—or it could turn into an ugly pack of hungry roarers! In other words, we gotta know on Friday if you plan to be at the picnic on Saturday! The attire should be in the comfort zone. Our pic-i-nik-ing fun and games fairly shout jeans and the like. The weather may turn cool, but I doubt it. Still, better pack for cool and warm!
Sometime during the picnic (after food, of course) we’ll have a very casual discussion of the Cruisn’ Lions project. Any interested in working on it are invited to take part. Then round 3 p.m. or when the last dog is consumed and potato chips are gone, and all the games have winners (or when cat-naps are needed), all fatcats will return to their respective dens to clean up and prepare for the big evening of cat-erwallin , carousing, and consumption of vast quantities of cash bar beverages. We’ll also be eating, again.
About five o’clock, any who feel inclined, can mosey on down to the Trade Center for a free-for-all decorating bash. Actually we’ll be puttering about, adding decorative touches, and nipping and tucking, schmoozing, and BLOWING up more balloons, so come on down!
Otherwise…drum roll…beginning at 6p.m. (bar opens at 5:45p.m.), His Royal Highness commands His subjects to gather the Pride at the Trade Center for special programs and entertainment to wit: Lion music, Lions singing, Lions dancing (table and otherwise), auction, handing out of the Lions Share of memories, prizes, special honors and recognition (that’s sure to be a hoot), and a full meal buffet (so skip that last hot dog). The menu is: Tossed Garden Greens, Fresh Fruit Salad, Beef Burgundy, Lemon Pepper Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Roasted Red Potatoes, Vegetable Medley, Squash Casserole, Dinner Rolls, Peach Cobbler, Chocolate Cake, Tea, Coffee, and Water. WOW! The buffet line forms at 6:45, but we’ll try to restrain ourselves until 7:00 p.m. to begin devouring all that tasty food. The Den doors will close at 6:45p.m. sharp, and only Loyal Lions who are PREVIOUSLY $$$registered will be admitted after that time. Sorry stragglers, but you have been duly warned.
For our Saturday evening Gathering, all formerly scruffy Lions should make every effort to put on the dog (huh?)--look very spiffy, clean, polished, brushed, and groomed. Of course, we female types never have a problem dressing for the kill cause we’re Lionesses. But you male-type Lions need to try to look your best. Just this once. Okay, maybe not your best, but at least wear a nice shirt and slacks—ties are optional.
With a full evening of entertainment, socializing, dancing, and drinking, do try to pace yourselves! When the last Lion passes out OR when the cash bar closes (at 11:30) OR at the stroke of midnight, our Pride will disperse for a little R and R. Back at the Lions’ Den headquarters, some cool cats will want to hang out and make the most of the few remaining hours of the night—patio by the lake sound familiar? But don’t stay up too late, cause our Remembering Lions/Farewell is just a few hours away.
Sunday, October 16
Sometime after the sun comes up, Lions who retain mobility will enter vehicles and motorcade (9 a.m.) over to our true Lions’ Den: Baker High School. At 9:30 a.m., we’ll remember our missing Lions in a brief memorial service. Then we’ll bid “farewell” to our Lion King and fellow Lions near and dear to us. We’ll share hugs and kisses, tears and smiles, and pats and paws (maybe keep paws to ourselves); and the Gathering of Baker’s Best Lions Class of ’70 will be over…until the next time.
This is a lengthy schedule, but I tried to anticipate and answer all your questions. However---for your benefit, I have also made up a quickie formal schedule for you to print out and bring with you. Don't forget to let me know which events you'll be attending. Here it is:
Baker’s Best Lions Class of ’70
Fri, Oct 14
6:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. --Party at Hilton Garden Inn (Azalea II room).
Sat, Oct 15
11:00 a.m. till 3 p.m. --Picnic at Cooper Creek (first picnic area).
6:00 p.m. till midnight --Gather at The Trade Center (room TBA)
(dinner at 7 p.m.) Bar closes at 11:30.
Sun, Oct. 16
9:30 a.m. till 10:00 a.m. --Gather at Baker High School for Remembering Lions and Farewell.
October 8, 2005
Hi Ya'll, Here's the one you been waitin fer. Who's comin and who's goin summers else. Sorry, I jest--just got back from visitin-g some swamp folk and danged if the dialect ain't ketchin. Let me regroup.
Okay. Here is a list (I think it's complete) of all those who have paid for the Gathering. Literally--if not for these dollars, there would be No Gathering! So please note the Loyal Lions in our midst. If your name is not on this list, and you still plan to be there, you need to let me know. I must give a final count to the Trade Center by Wed, the 12th. After that, you may arrive only to find the doors closed and barred. We'll be feasting without you . One other note: for those who can't make it and want to purchase a copy of the event video/cd, you can order a copy (limit per Lion) for $10.00. Registered Lions get one free, natch.) Email for more details. Now here's our Loyal Lions list...
A- Claudette Askew (Billings), Shirley Collier (Alexander) and Clink Alexander (gst), B-- Paulette Babb (Briggs),Matalyne Bryan (Davis), C-- Glenn Camp, Becky Chesser (Camp), John Crimmel & Diane Crimmel (gst), Maria Cudoni D--, Sheila Duncan (Brown) & Bob Brown (gst), Mike Dunagan and Pam Dunagan, Jan Davis (Acuff) & Tom Acuff, Jan Daniels, Thomas Eaton & Susan Eaton (gst), F-- Laurie Fellenz & Sonia Agosto (gst), Mike Freeman, G—Joel Gilmore, H-- R. Jesse Harwell, Woody Douglas Hayes and Sarah Hayes (gst), Joel Hobbs & Linda Owensby (Hobbs), Henry Holmes & Linda Holmes (gst) Linda McCorkle (Hurst), Donal Mathena, Kathleen Mathena (gst), J--Sherry Jackson (Jenkins), L-- Saundra Lewis (Hunter) & Julius Hunter (gst), Dawn Langley, Poppy Lopez and daughter(?), Paige Lybrand (Thomasson) & Bruce Thomasson (gst), Henry Land & Teresa Land (gst), Linda Lucas (Stratford) and Gary Stratford (gst), M—Wanda Mulford (Losie) & Jay Losie (gst), Larry Martin & Lollye Martin (gst), Donal Mathena & Kathy Mathena (gst), Brian McDonough & Sue McDonough (gst), Carey McNalley (and?), P—Gary Pfotenhauer, R-- Edith Ray & Ernest Hudson (gst), S-- Nancy Sabordo (Harris) & Susie Druash (gst), Charlotte Scarborough (Wakefield), Maria Strringfellow (Pate) and Jerome Pate (gst), Ronny Smith and Jackie Smith (gst), Bill Southard and Debbie Kitchens ’72 (Southard), Pete Swiderik, T--Kathy Tatum (Herring) and Patric Herring (gst), Mike Taylor & Claudia Taylor (gst), Greg Tharp, W-- Val Webb, Bryan Willis & Nish Willis (gst)
Remember: if you can't make it, send a message (video, audio, or email) to share with your classmates.
I hope I didn’t leave anyone off. Let me know if I did. See you next weekend!!!
October 5, 2005
Okay big Cats,
There are a few decisions to make, so I want feedback. Woody (he's such an inspiration! and is doing wonders with the music) has made a really good suggestion, and I need some input. He suggested we have our Sunday mornig memorial (it's short--maybe 20-30 minutes tops) on the lawn in front of Baker. He says, "we can caravan over there" from the Hilton. He makes the point that we could probably get some media coverage to help the Save Our Den movement (we really could make a human chain across the front), and we could bring our weekend Gathering to a fitting conclusion with a nice group photo in front of our school --cameras snapping and video rolling!
The alternative is to stay at the Hilton and use their area by the lake. Not nearly as special--no real good photo ops. Needless to say, I like Woody's idea. But I would like to get your feedback--it really won't matter much to the locals, but for out of towners--we need to plan ahead and make sure it's feasible. Please let me know before the end of the week whether you want to join the caravan and/or meet at Baker Sun morning for a short memorial and farewell to Baker's Best Lions before departing for the four corners.
Next item--special needs. No, these are not health issues--they are local issues!
I need a couple of folks to bring tea to the picnic. Most of us don't care for pre-packaged tea, and I won't be able to make any; ergo--need someone with a kitchen to make some and bring it. I have sodas, but we southerners like our tea! So please email me if you are willing to make some tea .
On another note (and the fat lady AIN'T singin it), yet another wise old --er-rephrase--yet another wise Lion suggested I should use helium on those balloons . I, of course, would enjoy talking like Donald Duck, but I am not in Columbus to make the arrangements to pick up said helium for Friday's blowing party (just a few of us getting together to get light-headed and talk about everyone we used to know--wanna help?). So anyway, if there are any among you who want to save me from myself by getting the gas, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be huffing and puffing (notice how I very neatly avoided any semblance of the off-color remarks
) and "filling" balloons--with a little help from my friends.
This last bit is more in the nature of an "oh, by the way" piece of info. We've had some other year classmates asking if they can buy copies of the picture video and event cds Glenn is preparing. And those classmates who cannot be at the Gathering may also want to purchase a copy. Don't worry, you who have paid your registration are already on the list to receive your copies
. Anyway, Glenn and I are working on that right now, and I'll let you know IF he decides it's an easily do-able job (he has complained bitterly about the mountains of work I have heaped on him when he only volunteered to be "supportive" etc, etc, ad nauseum)--so before I proceed, I must first make sure he won't turn into a disgruntled "supportive" Lion--this is the same Glenn Camp who bought up all those souls
in high school in case you've forgotten! I have not, and I intend to be very cautious with him--
Anyway, I'll let you know what the great man decides...let me know if you're interested in buying a copy to see what you've missed.
Okay, that's all I have. I'm probably think of three more things as soon as I hit "send"--Oh, be sure to get an accurate count of your cubs and grandcubs before the Gathering; that will be an important statistic. Alrighty then, that's really all...for now.
October 3, 2005
Here’s the last call for pictures. If you have any pictures (especially from past reunions) of old Lions (or of us young cubs in high school), please email them to Glenn ASAP!
If you plan to be at this super-stupendous Gathering, better pay up right now or risk not being able to chow down with us at the Feast (or the pic-i-nic). We won’t have enough food, so we won’t let you in!
That’s $65 clams, smackers, bills, or other legal tender—due now. I haven’t checked, but I know the last few reserved seats were going fast. They should be gone, but Lions are notorious for waiting until the last minute.
Don't forget that toast (and let me know you'll deliver it); or write a song to sing, or a poem to recite, or draw a picture to share--in other words--let your talent show.
Gotta run; thousands of things to do…well, hundreds, anyway.
October 1, 2005
Howdy! Guess ya'll wondered what had happened to me. Well, let me tell you it's been one hectic week! What with tryin to get those little "suprises" fixed up and havin to convince some folks that they really do want to do a little entertainin , I'm just about tuckered. However!!! Need to remind ya'll of a couple of things...
We Only Have a Week and a Half Left--Yikes!!! Okay, I feel better now. So--here's what I still need--
--a couple more members of the Royal Guard for Fri and/or Sat.
--a local classmate to help me get the cake ordered and to pick it up for Fri evening.
--on Friday, I need some happy classmates who like to play with rubber stuff (gotcha!!) It's balloons . They need blowin and that thing where you tie a knot in the end? Man, I hate doin that.
--course I'd be deelighted to have an extra hand or two with decorations, but it's nothin fancy or time consumin--we'll just throw a few logs on the fire, grab some beer--oh, wait--that's the campout AFTER the Gathering. Sorry, I forgot what I was doin. Uh, decorating--right--just feel free to pop in at the Hilton Garden Inn and ask for the Lions' Den --they'll point you to it and I'll put you to work--while we knock back a few brews .
--I'll be sending the final program for the entire event sometime next week--please print it out and bring it with you.
--Oh, if you want to lend a hand with the picnic/cookout--we're happy to have a few more cooks and bottle washers--I never believed you could have too many cooks in the kitchen anyway. I'll also be askin you to let me know next week whether you plan to join in the activities at Cooper Creek on Saturday (including the dancing lessons--grass skirts are optional ). We'll need a head count for the hot dogs.
--Still need to hear from a bunch of you on your favorite song from "the day" and your favorite teacher (with an explanation, please). Last for now, if you ain't plannin to be there , send us your video message ASAP!!! We really want to hear from all of our Lions. Send it on to Glenn email him for more info. That's about it for right now...unless you want to try out your talent on Sat--if so, let me know. Oh, don't forget that toast if you are wanting to do one (just let me know, so I can keep a spot open for you).
I can't believe it's almost time for this fantastic Gathering of the Baker High School Class of '70 Lions' Pride
September 26, 2005
Hey you shaggy Lions,
I keep thinking of stuff I have forgotten to remind you about, or I remind me about stuff you forgot about, or is it that I think I forget stuff to remind? As you can tell, I'm having too much fun!
So anyway, for all you laid-back and just-can't-make-it Lions--you're in luck! We are currently making arrangements for you to get your own copy of the event cd (for a nominal shipping fee). More on that in a few days.
Now...Remember--or is it forget ? No, it's remember to send Glenn your brief message (hopefully you'll video it--but an audio message will work, too). That is, if you can't be with us. Send that "shout out" to all your old buddies and let them know what you're up to. We'll share these at the Gathering.
Whew, time is short. What else? Oh, email your recipes, memories, and sundries to me asap for inclusion in the Lions' Share we're putting together--it's sweet.
Send your pics to Glenn--he's the picture Chief, er, Chief of All Things Pictorial (CAT-P )--he's getting that special program together and still wants more pics.
Oh, almost remembered, er forgot --there is still time (always time) for your quilt square. Just go ahead and do one--we can tack it to our class banner for the Gathering and then sew it on later. Paint, sew, draw your memory square (8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches).
Blast--here's another detail. If you would like to make a toast to missing Lions (or faculty) or anything else related to Baker High and our fantastic Gathering, please get it ready (make sure you let me know to save you a toast spot).
Ah, yes, this is where I put in another bid for talented (and the not talented ) Lions. Check yesterday's (was it just yesterday?) email about your big chance to entertain us (this should really be special
). Just email me.
And I need to know about those favorite tunes from the halcyon days of our youth--WHAT? High school!!!! What was your favorite song?
Last detail--if you wanna help fancy up the Trade Center (blow up balloons or hang toilet---wait. Stop! There will be NO hanging of toilet paper!) i.e.--Decorate!!!! Then email me for details.
Wow! Is that all? No. But it's all for now...
Oh--p.s--we need some Lions to complete the Royal Guard. If you're up for it (he ain't heavy, he your mascot --really, Henry says he's not heavy, just awkward to handle--takes four)---where was I? Oh, if you're interested in performing this little service for His Highness, email me and I'll give you the details. Brian McDonough and Donal Mathena have agreed to help. Still need a couple more male-type persons
September 25, 2005
Calling all talented (and not so talented) Lions:
If you love the spotlight or just want a chance to try it out, then email me ASAP about doing a little “entertaining” at our Saturday evening Gathering.
There are a couple of duos out there I’d really love to see; and more than a few Lions are well known for hamming it up anyway , so dust off your crowd pleasers and get your “Acts” together. We’ll have a “hot mike” and an eager audience for you. I promise we won’t have a gong OR a shepherd’s hook
. It’s all good fun, and there may be a talent scout in the audience.
By the way, what was the best song ever to come out of our high school years? Let me know your choice. We’ll see what gets the nod. Personally I think “Crimson and Clover” was pretty awesome, but I always got all mushy over “To Love Somebody”—well, what’s your choice?
September 18, 2005
Alrighty then. I just sent the valuable and necessary confirmation email to all True and Loyal Lions who have laid down their hard earned kash for this much planned bash. If you did not get it, you need to email me asap
Now it seems to me a number of you have said you'll be there, but have neglected that pesky little detail of SENDING your $$$s .
Since we're only about THREE (and 1/2) weeks (yikes!!!) out from this fantastic, long awaited Gathering of 70 Lions far and near, you need to send the green stuff...why???
Cause we gotta PAY for this Lion Fest; washing dishes is NOT an option . Donations are happily accepted to further the cause, but registrations are preferred to keep us in the Baker Blue. Frankly, I don't relish diving into my personal (and miniscule) savings account to cover a shortfall
So...if you are indeed planning to attend (as you have said), send in your dollars. We held a spot for you, but we need your registration. Now. Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of 70, POB 112, Columbus, GA 31902.
You'll be charged the same price at the door; there is no discount due to the contracted rates per person. Only pre-registered and pre-paid Lions will be entered in the special drawings, will have that nice dinner, will get a copy of the special events program, and a few other perks.
Now, don't fuss at me --those contracts are strictly enforced. But we will have everything ready for those who are registered. So, do it now, please.
September 16, 2005
Salutations Rowdy Roarers and Bad Cats, Here's at peek at our Alma Mater (I visited last month and snapped a few shots):
Baker 2005
Now to business... I've been juggling dollars and cents (always dangerous) and I keep coming up short .
I need T-W-E-N-T-Y (that's 2 0) more Lions to get registered. Why? So we'll have our nice round three digit total of One Hundred Dedicated and Loyal Lions (an awesome number for this super event!) who have paid their $$$s and are ready to party.
The contracts are done (almost); the menus are set (just about); the schedule is complete (nearly); and the time has come (and gone!!!) for all Loyal Lions of the Realm to do the thing--REGISTER.
Now we had the early bird discount, and we had the registration deadline; BUT we need our 100. That's a magical and mysterious number that is much sought after when one is working on some contracts.
So, by the power of er, uh, being the one in charge of planning , I am seeking a mere 20--twenty Lions to ensure we meet our grand total.
Therefore, unstick yourself from the fence sitting or middle of the roading or the undecidedness or whatever you want to call it. Please do not plan to register "at the door." That will play havoc with our contracts. And you will not be happy with how much it will cost. We need to keep the money crunchers happy. Also you won't be in the drawings for door prizes and receive the special perks
all previously registered Lions will be elibible for. So just do it.
Send our Keeper of the Kash (Claudette) some KASH!!! Send to: Baker's Best Lion Fest, POB 112 Columbus, GA 31902
September 14, 2005
Greetings Fellow Lions,
Just thought I would send one more picture along with this other less enjoyable business.
Homecoming, November 1969
Yeah, that's Chris Westrum--she was runner-up to Shirley Collier--both were terrific...yes, next to Chris is the crazy one who keeps sending you all these emails about our reunion.
Send your own pictures in, so we can have some fun!
Now, sad to say here are some more Lions I have no contact with. If you do, please let them know about the plans. I sure hate to have anyone miss out on this awesome Gathering. Take a minute and scan the names to see if you have contact with any of these…A through H. If you don't see a name, I probably have contact--email or phone #.
A--Ismail Akman, Dana Alderman, Anita Allen, Edward Amerson, Cary Anspaugh, Robert Ashley, Michael Averett,
B--Peter Baccerra, Johann Ballenger, Judy Barringer ,Penny Baxter, Alice Bell, Galia Beltran, Nancy Benford, Charlotte Biggerstaff, Joan Bolton, Edmund Bookman, III, Yolandra Booth, Ron Bowden, Courtney Brady, George Bridges, Patricia D. Brown, Patricia G. Brown, Robert Bugh, Cody Burchett, Debbie Burrows, Claudia Byars,
C--Linda Caffey, Larry Caldwell, Desse Campbell, James Campbell, Zonia Cardona, Phil Carlisle, Joann Carothers, Richard Carruthers, Pedro Cartagenia, Mike Carter, Carolyn Champers, Cassandra Chatman, Mickey Christenson, Harry Coco, Bernard Collier, Bernice Collier, Leonard Cooper, Mike Cooper, Terry Cooper, William Cooper, Jack Coulter, Gary Cox, Sandra Crawford, Steve Cunningham,
D--Virginia Daniel, Clarrence Darrow, Richard Davenport, Earl Davis, Cathy Day, Norman Dillard, Steve Dreyer, Denis Druash, Tomi Dubose, Karen Dye,
E--Vicky Earl, Ronnie Eckert, Monk Ellis, Shirley Englebert, Marlene Ennis,
F--Keven Fagan, Tom Farnell, Andrew Faulk, Stella Florence, Bill Frantz, Raymond Futch,
G--Grank Galer, Pam Garner, Debra Gary, <ike Gatlin, Libby Geoffrion, Stephen Glasbrenner, Judith Gomez, Georgia Grant, Gregory Gray. Sherlene Griffith,
H--Janet Hall, Tommy Harbuck, John Harris, Brian Hartford, Margaret Hendriz, Theresa Hendrix, Ricky Henry, Vicki Hernandez, Sam Herston, Sarah Hilburn…
That brings me up to the page in the Lions’ Pride where I started copying names for an earlier email. We had such a huge class and we scattered to the four winds, but in this technological age we really should be able to locate most of our classmates. Even if they can’t come to this Gathering of the Pride, it would be great just to hear from them.
That reminds me, if you can’t make this one—send us a message for “publication” at the Gathering—preferably a video message (a couple of minutes is all we can stand kidding!!!), but at least you can let your old buddies know you’re alive and up to no good—as usual.
I'm on a roll now, Lions! Just to tease you, I'm sending yet another photo from those Lion years. I sure hope to see some of these characters soon. Send your own pictures and video messages to Glenn at he really wants some more to play around with . See his Urgent Message below...
Willis and Other Lions
By the way, some concerned citizens have asked about the "dress code" for our various events. Imagine--a dress code for Lions... Okay, how does this sound (we can always upgrade if we want to
For Friday's social schmoozing (how is that word spelled anyway?) we'll just be "come as you are" (but be decent ). After all, we're there to have fun and enjoy each other's company. Of course, we female types always enjoy dressing up, so expect to see some pretty ladies.
The Saturday activities' attire should be in the comfort zone--especially if the day is chilly (wouldn't that be nice). Our pic-i-nik-ing and fun and games fairly shouts jeans and the like. Of course, we female types always enjoy dressing up, so...can't help it, that's the way we are
. For our Sat. evening dinner, dancing, daredevil performances, and other dashing but decorous activities, may I suggest that all scruffy Lions make an effort to look very spiffy? Guys, throw those jeans back in the closet and put on something a bit more, how shall I say? DRESSY!!! Of course, we female types yadda, yadda, so...we'll be dressed to kill!!!
Just because we can. And we'll probably be wearing new clothes just for that night!
And we'll be charging it to any male types who happen to be related to us!!!
Okay then, Sunday morning will again be casual and will probably lean more to travelling clothes for many of us. Wonder how many miles we'll rack up travelling back--how many states will we cover? Hmmm, where ya'll coming from anyway? Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and California--I'm not sure of any other Lion states. Let me know. So that about wraps up the issue of coding dresses and such. If there's any objection, or if ya'll are just dyin' for formalization of the affair, well, er, let me know ...ha, ha, ha ha ha...Lions wanting to go formal...ha ha ha
Urgent message from Glenn "In Charge of Pictures" Camp...
Everybody! Please send pictures from BHS! Just scan them and save
them as a JPEG file (or whatever file you can do...I'll convert it if
necessary). I need more pictures. If you can put a note on the
picture telling me who is in it and/or what the picture is about (e.g. a
football game, graduation, etc), it will help greatly.
Otherwise, we will spend the evening looking at pictures from Dawn and
ROTC Parking Lot, BHS 1970
Oh...before I forget. Try to put something like "BHS Pictures" in the
subject line (you can send them to Like most of
us, I get tons of emails through SPAM. The BHS Pictures subject line will
help me sort through the emails to get your pictures!
And now---for the news
Anyone who can't make the reunion is hereby invited to send us a video message to share with classmates.
Just send your video to Glenn Camp--we'll see that it is shared at the appropriate time. You'll be with us in spirit and we'll have a chance to poke fun at you (KIDDING!!!). If you are too chicken to make a quick video, then at least record a voice message for us to play. And send a current picture--enquiring minds and all that .
We're gearing up--get ready!!!
One last note--Yahoo won't let me send more than one group email per hour. I now have two huge group files--A -L and M-Z. I may send an email to half of you now--the other half later, but I'll be sure everyone gets emailed. You may also check the O-ficial website to see the latest email. Sylvia is posting all of our stuff.
Don't delay--get your registration in the mail by midnight Sept 15 (that's this Thursday!!!!) or you won't be able to enjoy our special programs and you'll miss out on a lot of "extras."
Register NOW! Or send those video clips today! Now I'll leave you alone for a day or two
--you have your assignments; get to it!!!
September 12, 2005
Here's a fun face you all should remember--
Mr. School Spirit himself... Poppy Lopez!
You should see him now--you will if you come to Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of 70 reunion! Get registered today--er, tomorrow . Write out that check now ($65.00 per person) and send it to our Keeper of the Kash, Claudette Askew Billings at:
Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of 70, POB 112, Columbus, GA 31902
And better reserve your room at the Lions’ Den Headquarters, the Hilton Garden Inn (mention our reunion name) 800-445-8667.
September 10, 2005
Lots of news/little time…
Straight off the “wire”…
Lion Nancy Sabardo Harris wants a bed-roomie for the weekend—she prefers a girlie-type roomie (imagine her husband does, too). Her room is reserved; wanna share? E-mail her at or call her at (407)469-3137 - h; (352)250-8124 - c. She didn’t say if she snores or not, but she is a night Lion, so plan to stayin’ up!!!
More about pictures…
Ya'll need to get out those old photo albums with pics from past reunions as well as pics from high school...we want 'em for inclusion in the nifty photo essay thingeee Glenn Camp, Chief of All Things Pictorial (CAT P) is putting together. For registered Lions, we’ll have copies at the reunion (or shipped soon after). Just one of the perks of GETTING REGISTERED!!!
Send pics (or copies) to, If you're not sure how to do it, ask him. Anyway, you can always mail them to him @ 100 East Ridge Court, Daleville, AL (that's Bama for some of you) 36322.
The tentative schedule looks like this:
Friday, October 14
The Gathering of the Pride begins at six p.m. (until 11-ish) in the Lion’s Den Headquarters (Hilton Garden Inn) for light snacks, cash bar, photo ops, general schmoozing, and presenting you paws for sign in.
Night-loving Lions (no owls here) will then commence to prowling around the outdoor patio area by the lake and will pass time howling, yowling, or purring--depending on your liquid intake. Don’t get too carried away, cause Saturday is mere hours away!
Saturday, October 15
Clear headed Lions will enjoy breakfast (or a saucer of milk if needed) wherever they like on their own $$dimes. Then about 11-ish, members of the Pride will start padding on over to Cooper Creek Park for some fun and games and a little carnivorous activity provided for all PREVIOUSLY Registered Cats.
The major food group will be made up of dogs (hot-type) and some topping-type fixins appropriate for hungry Cats to consume.
Very Important: All participating Lions must be tagged for attendance BEFORE they arrive—or it could turn into a ugly pack of hungry roarers! In other words, we gotta know on Friday if you plan to be at the picnic on Saturday!
Around 2 p.m. or when the last dog is consumed and potato chips are gone (or when cat-naps are needed), all fatcats will return to their respective dens to clean up and prepare for the big evening of catterwallin and just plain fun.
Beginning at 6-ish in the evening, His Royal Highness commands His subjects to gather the Pride at the Trade Center for a full meal buffet (so skip that last hot dog). The Den doors will close shortly thereafter and only PREVIOUSLY registered Lions will be admitted!
Following the presentation of a terrific program lovingly prepared by select Lions of the Class of 1970, the Gathering will enjoy specially selected music, cash bar, lots of socializing, and Prizes! When the last Lion passes out or at the stroke of midnight (which definitely will come first if I know my Lions), the Gathering will disperse for a little R and R.
Sunday, October 16
Sometime after the sun comes up (between 8 and 10), Lions who retain mobility can plan to attend the casual meeting of those interested in working on the Cruisn’ Lions project. We’ll meet in the Hilton Garden Inn (headquarters, remember?) over coffee. Of course, those staying at the Hilton (smart Cats) won’t have to walk far.
About 10, all Lions who care to will move outdoors by the lake for a brief standing memorial service. We’ll say “farwell” to our Lion King. We’ll share hugs, kisses, pats, and paws (maybe keep paws to ourselves). Then the Gathering of Baker’s Best Lions will be over…until the next time.
Now, if that’s not enough to get you registered, consider this…
Top 5 Reasons to Register by September 15th deadline--
# 5—you won’t forget to do it…
#4—you won’t be wasting a valuable registration fee on trivial matters like—food!
#3—you’ll be entered in the special drawing just for those who are O-ficially registered!
#2—you’ll be on the list of those to receive a copy of Glenn’s unique photo essay.
#1 and 1/2—you’ll protect all your rights and privileges as an O-ficial Baker’s Best Lion - Class of 70!
#1—you’ll be ensuring that Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of 70 will be the most fantabulous, stupendifalus (get the idea?) high school reunion we’ve ever had!!!
So please don’t wait another day—write out that check ($65.00 per person) and send it to our Keeper of the Kash, Claudette Askew Billings at: Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of 70, POB 112, Columbus, GA 31902
And better reserve your room at the Lions’ Den Headquarters, the Hilton Garden Inn (mention our reunion name) 800-445-8667.
September 9, 2005
This is for the benefit of all you old Lions who’ve rejoined the Pride. Ya’ll didn’t get in on the photo tease, so I’m sending you a smidge of what you missed. I’m pretty sure you can see all of the pics and comments at the O-fficial Baker website and click on Class of 1970 reunion for all the stuff, but here’s a bit of what I sent way back in May (my notes are in red)…
Lions Strollin’
Okay Lions, I hope you still have those photo tease emails, cause we ain't heard the last on them yet! There's more id-ing (is that a word?) goin' on--this time from one who Really Knows--cause she was Really Involved with the whole event . Ya'll listen up. Go ahead Carolyn Hall Tidd--tell 'em all about it!!!
RE- Pictures (Lions Strollin) These were taken at the Class of 1970's 25 year reunion 10 years ago. The theme was Beach Party All Day Long." It was held at a place called New Horizons which is now ElCarizo (Mexican Restaurant). Anyway - The picture of the girls...doing the Electric Slide...The gal dark colored floral dress is Nish Willis - Brian Willis' wife. The gal in white floral is Pam Williams Brand, behind her is Diane Biglane--The gal in shorts is Becky Chesser Camp and the that's me in the blue. I do not know who the tall gal is on the far left.
The second picture is everyone dancing to "Midnight Hour" and I recognize Gene Murdock as the guy in the white hat and Poppy Lopez dancing in white slacks and white in front of Gene. That's Dansereau in the way back (white shirt) and Tom Farnell in the Green shirt in the back and Pam Williams Brand again in the front right in the floral outfit. I can't put names to faces for the others.
These are a few responses on the last set of pics I sent out. Some of you really do need help—have we changed that much? Mike D. seemed determined to keep at it until he nailed ‘em down. We think he might be right on that final attempt!
Kathy Tatum says…
first picture....that's Becky Chesser Camp ( Glen Camp's wife) in the red floral shirt. Hope I spelled her maiden name correct.
Donnie Mathena says…
I give! I wouldn't know any one of these people…it’s been 35 years since I have seen any of my classmates…Now tell me who they are?
Mike Dansereau says…
[First attempt] It was the 15 year reunion at the place off Veteran's Parkway (previously Hamilton Rd.-- and it is now a Mexican restaurant). Second picture, line with their backs to the camera, I think that's Gene Murdock in the tennis/golf togs and white/black saddle oxfords. In the other line, directly across from alleged Murdock is Bob Allport (striped shirt and khaki pants). At the end of that same line, that appears to be Doug Schaefer (spelling?). In the first picture, I only recognize Sherry Jackson toward the center, back. [whew, he’s workin’ it]
[Second attempt!!] Okay, should have looked closer. First picture, that's Dianne Biglane second from left. That's Carolyn Hall Tidd in the blue blouse to Sherry Jackson's left. [are you sure?]
[Third attempt!!!] Need to have my eyes checked. First picture, that's Becky Chesser Camp in the floral blouse. Second picture with two lines of dancers, again, that's Becky in the first line, backs to the camera. The guy in the second line facing the camera, well I take back what I said earlier. That's not Doug, that's Becky's husband, Glen Camp. Okay, I'm tired of playing this. [be nice]
I hope ya'll are enjoyin' these pictures. Be sure to send your own pics to... Chief CAT P at
Today. Now. This instant. Do not delay!!!
You newbies are invited to send copies of your pictures as well. Glenn will add them to the very cool collection he is compiling, and everyone will get a copy. So...jump on it!
Please register ASAP. We have to know who and how many are coming by Sept 15 deadline--or else
September 8, 2005
Just when you thought I had gone away--voila’, I’m back and I’ve brought friends with me!!! We Lions have to stick together, cause no one else will, uh, stick? Together? That’s where my ananlogy/metaphor falls apart (oh, great, now I’m punning). So, what’s up for September now that August is gone? Well, we still need a Lion football uniform (?) and letter jacket, and a Dandylion uniform. We’ve got a loner cheerleader uniform, but had to go to '63 to get one (if any of you have the later model, speak up). Now don’t be so nosey; we’ve got some fun in store and I don’t want to give everything away!
As for who’s coming and going…a number of Lions have said they plan to be there, but without registrations PAID, we can’t include them on the registered list. Point of interest—a couple of folks have asked about paying at the door. Now, that’s a real ugly problem. Here’s why: we have to plan for a specific number of guests AND we have to pay the Hilton and the Trade Center up front. See the first problem with paying at the door? We need to know we have enough money to cover the events.But wait, there’s more. We would have to “man” the door to collect $$$s when we would much rather be inside getting dru—uh, getting socially interactive with all of our fellow classmates. So, how about paying now, and showing up at the door (Friday and Saturday) with huge grins on your faces and your name badges hanging from your necks? Sounds like a winning combination to me. We really can’t have a bunch of scruffy Lions hangin’ ‘round the doors beggin’ for admittance (reminds me of ball games where we could get in free during the last quarter). Anyway, please don’t put us in that position, just get registered—NOW! (see below) That dreaded dead line is September 15!!! Please get registered by that date!!!
All the information you could want about our reunion is on the Baker website at ; you just have to sign in. You’ll be getting some confirmation emails shortly to let you know you are O-ficially registered and have fully complied with all regs regarding being there—namely—you are a bone-a-fide seven-oh Baker Lion. You didn’t have to graduate in ’70, just had to be part of the class of seven-oh.
Woody Hayes and Henry Holmes are working like— Lions to get the music ready (what a team), and Glenn Camp’s putting all the photos together for the “scrapbook,” and a very nifty retro-spective is coming together even as I write, and, and, and!!!
Oh, don’t forget to share your memories (as rattled as they may be) about life at BHS, teachers, events, football, sockhops, music--just whatever you remember; send them to me-- short or long, good or bad, true or---uh, true.
Finally, you should be putting the finishing touches on your 8½ by 8½ quilt/banner squares. That deadline (September 15) is upon us. So where do you send the square? Hmmmm, how bout Baker’s Best Lion Fest, Rt 2, Box 341, Waynesville, GA 31566. Get it off in the next couple of days or our banner/quilt will be sadly incomplete. And since this is the first class to attempt such a thing, we should try to make it look impressive (or at least good). Paint the square, sew the square, draw the square—just DO the square; something that reflects your years at Baker or something about Baker itself. If you need a couple extra days, just let me know.
Okay then, who’s planning to be there? See below. If I left someone off, sorry. Just tell me. I’ll be sending a registration confirmation email when I get the most recent registered names from Claudette—give me a day or two.
Lots of activities and fellowship will be the order of the weekend as well as a chance to get involved in Saving our School from the wrecking ball, and taking part in making plans for the Cruisn’ Lions reunion being kicked, batted, and generally knocked around.
Get your $$$ in today, so we can give you a roarin good time!
Who’ll BE There????
A--Sherry Altman-Yes, Randy Achey -no, Claudette Askew-Yes,
B--Judy Barringer, Paulette Babb Briggs -Yes, Karen Baker, Pam Williams Brand, Joe Bucklew, Peggy A Blow
C--Patrick Calhoun, Mickey Cavallero (email rejected), Glenn Camp-Yes, Becky Chesser Camp-Yes, Charlie Carmichael, Shirley Collier-no, Maria Cudoni, John Crimmel-Yes, Danny Cavallero-Yes
D--Jan Daniels, Mike Dansereau-no, Charles Craig Davis-Yes, Matalyn Bryan Davis-Yes, Jan Davis Acuff-Yes, Don Dubia-no, Sheila (Duncan) Brown -Yes, Mike Dunagan-Yes, Doris Dunham, Terry Dean-Jackson
E—Thomas Eaton-Yes
F-- Laurie Fellenz-Yes, Bill Fraley, Mike Freeman-Yes, Barbara Fuller-Yes, Scenia Freeland Ita
G—Billy Goldfarb Matthews-Yes, Pete Gillespie-Yes, Joel Gilmore-Yes,
H-- Carolyn Hall -no , , Deborah Ann Hagan-no, Gloria Hambrick, Joan Hamilton, Ralph Harwell -Yes, Rick Hawks,Woody Douglas Hayes-Yes, Buster Heard-no, Mike Hinkle-Yes, Linda Owensby-Hobbs -Yes and Joel Hobbs-Yes, Henry Holmes-Yes, Henrietta Hood-no, Saundra Lewis Hunter-Yes, Linda Hurst-Yes, Freddie Hargrove, Ed Hickman-no, Mike Figueroa Hinkle-Yes, Guyette Wilson Huckaby, Ray Hollifield, Harry Holmes, Henry Holmes-Yes, Floyd Wayne Hudgins,
J--Sherry Jackson Jenkins -Yes, Penny Joiner, Clay Jaindl, Linda Johnson Thresher
K--Joan Kaplan -no, Danny Kirkpatrick,
L-- Bill Land-no, Henry Land—Yes, Dawn Langley-Yes, Willie Layfield, Poppy Lopez-Yes, Kathy Lobel, Linda Lucas-Stratford-Yes, Lucia LaMee-Yates-Yes, Diane Larson-Sjol—Yes, Paige Lybrand-Thomasson
M--Wanda Gail Munford Losie-Yes, Chuck Maffett, Sara Marchbanks, Larry Martin-Yes, Donal Mathena-Yes, Brian McDonough-Yes, Bill McLean, Carey McNalley-Yes, Gene Murdock-no, Tommy McKenzie, Larry Mitchell, James Edward Mitchell-Yes,
N--Alisa Nofsinger,
P--Jeanette Pawson-no, Gary Pfotenhauer, Earnest Pierce, Lisa Powell Pruitt--Yes
R-- Edith Ray-Yes,
S--Green Sandlin -no, Nancy Sabordo Harris -Yes, Charlotte Scarborough Wakefield -Yes, Rick Sebenoler, Ronny Smith-Yes, Bill Southard-Yes, Pete Swiderik -Yes, Ronny Stafford-Yes, Maria Stringfellow (maybe), Ann Step, Michael Seckinger, Joani Shirling-Sparks, David Shipes
T--Kathy Tatum-Yes, Mike Taylor-Yes, Nancy Taylor Holland-Yes, Greg Tharp-Yes, Virgil Thompson, Augusta Torres, Sharon Thedford Dyer
U,V—John Valero
W-- Candy Walding-Yes, Bruce Wear, Val Webb-Yes, Bryan Willis-Yes, Guyette Wilson Huckaby, Janice Wolf, Lynn Wyatt, Stephanie Sorrell Wilden-Yes
XYZ--Carlotta Yeager (email rejected).
September 4, 2005
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
All Honorable (and not so honorable) Baker High School Lions of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Seventy (1970) in the Year of Our Lord--You are hereby commanded to appear and be present at the Best of Baker celebration and general melee. Said event will commence promptly at dark-thirty on Friday, the fourteenth of October, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Five and will continue, without pause or interruption, for the ensuing forty-eight hours and odd minutes (or until the last Lion sleeps).
Lions in Good Standing are hereby ordered to remit the right and proper sum of sixty-five dollars (American) to Keeper of the Kash (Claudette Askew Billings) before the stroke of midnight Monday, the twelth of September in the Year etc., etc., etc. Failing to so do, you will be relegated to the status of Scraggly Lion. As such, you will be required to clean up your act and get said act registered at a phenomanally higher amount as punishment for procrastination TBA.
All Loyal and True Lions of the Realm who in fact show their Baker colors by RSVPing before the dreaded deadline, will be duly noted, registered, and recognized!!!
Once a Lion, Always a Lion!
Hi Lions, So many classmates have joined the email list since I sent this picture that I thought it was worth a repeat. Don't forget to send your previous reunion pics and old school pics to Glenn (as mentioned in the forwarded email). We'll be making copies for distribution at the reunion. Hurry up; we only have six weeks!!!
Do you remember this reunion event? How about the pictured Lions? 'Course, they're a lot older now . Get your Lions' snapshots to Glenn (Chief CATP) asap! His email address is: (with his permission, so don't get huffy)
Cooper Creek Picnic
Greetings Fellow Lions of '70: I've compiled a partial list of our classmates with whom we have yet to establish contact . Please scroll down the list (I did try to put it into two columns, but this blasted email wouldn't let me
). If you have info on any of these folks, let me know. Also contact all you can about our reunion (only six weeks to go!!!
) Okay then, here's the bad news--a list of about 60 names with some good news at the end
I lied --there's a little more bad news--but don't give up!!! FYI--Looked in our senior annual and found these (20 or so) and many more without any contact information. If you have any, please let us know. Sadly, these are names I got starting with Smith on the senior pages…(but there is good news at the end of this email
Now for the good news... I can happily report that contact has been made via email/phone calls with (at lasy count) ...drum roll... one hundred and sixty-three Lions!!! WOW
That’s a significant improvement over past reunions for contacts. However, not being satisfied with that, I’m asking you all to continue to help locate our missing Lions asap!!! Even those who can’t (or won’t) attend Lions Fest should/must/have to be included in the invitation. They can also be put on the contact list for future reunions.
Ahem, reminds me—anyone interested in working on the “Cruisn’ Lions” reunion should express interest via email. A small group of interested Lions are making some noise about the cruise (probably in 07). It’s something to be thinking about, so if you’re interested—email!
Okay then, remember the deadline for us to set final number attending is Sept. 15th. We must have your registration $$$$s (Claudette Keeper of the Kash Billings)and hotel reservations (Hilton Garden Inn) by that date if you want to be included in this magical, whimsical, totally awesome, and definitely unforgettable Gathering of the Lion's Pride!
September 1, 2005
Greetings Fellow Lions,
Now, I hate to revert to the "mundane" matters of the reunion during this time we're all so concerned about the disasters around us, but life does go on and plans have been made and business must be attended to, and, and, and. Therefore, please be reminded to send in your registration and $$$ so we can include you in the plans for Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of 70 reunion (October 14-16). By the way, as long as you were a part of our class, you're invited; you didn't HAVE to graduate with us. We were mostly Army brats and may have only been there for a year, then we left for far-away places
. Anyway, once a Lion, always a Lion.
Allow me to lighten the mood a bit...
Last Saturday I called bunches of classmates and shared info about the reunion; with only two notable exceptions (), everyone I spoke with indicated excitement and enthusiasm for the reunion. The notables? Crabby old classmates who can remain nameless AND crabby.
Among the enthusiastic Lions I talked with were: Jan Davis Acuff, Mike Dunagan (who said there wouldn't be enough booze to last the weekend!!!), Buster Heard (sadly, will be out of town and can't make it in body, but will be there in spirit), Henry Land (the one mowing the yard when I called), Maria Stringfellow Pate (tried to convince her that looks don't matter anymore cause we're ALL over fifty
), Diane Larson Szol, Lucia LaMee Yates, Gene Murdock (going cruisn that week
), James Mitchell (a resounding "yes"), Lisa Powell Pruitt, Susan Radcliff Welch (actually spoke with her spouse--he was pro-reunion!!!), Joani Shirling Sparks (um hmm), and Wanda Whatley Amburgey.
Altogether, I called over fifty Lions and left lots of messages. If you haven't already, please be sure to contact fellow Lions and share the O-fficial Baker website and reunion info. And send your $$$s in ASAP!
Don't forget to send an email letting me know where you are and how you have fared; I'll share it with your classmates cause Lions care!
Thanks Classmates, for all your messages and for keeping the lines of communication open. With a little bit of luck, we Lions will be seeing each other in about, oh, uh,-- six WEEKS!!! Don't forget your room reservations at the Hilton Garden Inn--deadline for them is Sept. 15
better call today; tell them you're with Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of 70 reunion.
August 19, 2005
It's all about making up your mind now and sending in your registration to allow you to take your rightful place among Baker's Best Lions of the Class of 1970.
We've added more names!
Here are a couple of recent additions...
Ralph Harwell, Barbara Fuller, Charlotte Scarborough Wakefield, Barbara Fuller, Greg Tharp, Larry Martin...
Now just look below at all the cool faces (the smiley faces could not be transferred) who plan to be there...
"Y" means the Lion has said "I'll be there!"
"N" can't make it (with our condolences).
"?" had to add this for those who: think maybe could be it's possible but just don't want to come right out and give a definite answer that will COMMIT to something--yet. Whew!
Still waiting on a response from the rest . TEll ME, TELL ME!!!
Sherry Altman Y, Randy Achey N, Claudette Askew Y, Judy Barringer, Paulette Babb Briggs Y, Karen Baker, Pam Williams Brand, Patrick Calhoun, Mickey Cavallero (email rejected) ?, Glenn Camp Y, Becky Chesser Camp Y, Charlie Carmichael Y, Shirley Collier N, Maria Cudoni, John Crimmel Y, Jan Daniels, Mike Dansereau N, Charles Craig Davis, Matalyn Bryan Davis Y, Don Dubia N, Sheila (Duncan) Brown Y, Doris Dunham, Laurie Fellenz Y, Carolyn Hall, Ed Hickman N, Mike Figueroa Hinkle Y, Bill Fraley, Mike Freeman Y, Barbara Fuller Y, Pete Gillespie Y, Joel Gilmore Y, Deborah Ann Hagan N, Gloria Hambrick ?, Joan Hamilton, Ralph Harwell Y, Rick Hawks, Nancy Sabordo Harris Y, Woody Douglas Hayes Y, Joel Hobbs Y, Henry Holmes Y, Henrietta Hood N, Saundra Lewis Hunter Y, Linda Hurst Y, Sherry Jackson Jenkins Y, Penny Joiner, Joan Kaplan N, Danny Kirkpatrick, Bill Land ?, Dawn Langley Y, Willie Layfield, Poppy Lopez Y, Wanda Gail Losie Y, Chuck Maffett ?, Sara Marchbanks, Larry Martin Y, Donal Mathena Y, Brian McDonough Y, Bill McLean ?, Carey McNalley Y, Gene Murdock, Alisa Nofsinger, Jeanette Pawson N, Gary Pfotenhauer ?, Edith Ray Y, Green Sandlin N, Nancy Sabordo Y, Rick Sebenoler ?, Ronny Smith Y, Bill Southard Y, Ronny Stafford Y, Maria Stringfellow, Ann Step, Kathy Tatum Y, Mike Taylor Y, Nancy Taylor Holland Y, Greg Tharp Y, Virgil Thompson ?, Candy Walding Y, Bruce Wear ?, Val Webb Y, Bryan Willis Y, Guyette Wilson Huckaby, Janice Wolf, Lynn Wyatt, Carlotta Yeager (her email rejected)?.
If I left you out, or you change your mind, or you make up your mind, let me know!
By the way: these emails go out as blind copies to protect your email identity. Just so you don't think I'm picking on YOU
Important Reminders 'Cause we're over FIFTY:
*GO put your registration check in the mail (see registration at end of this email)
*Sit yourself down and make that 8 and 1/2 inch quilt/banner square -then let me know it's ready!!! before Sept. 1st.
*Stop wasting time and get your old photos to Glenn Camp!!!
*Reserve your room at Hilton Garden Inn (800-445-8667); mention
Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion! The deadline for room reservations is September 15th!!! That's less than four weeks from now!!!
*Draw that Lion picture if you're an artist (or think you are).
*Buy a business card ad ($5 bucks) or a bigger one ($$$more bucks) in our remembrance book--that's through Wanda Gail Losie, too. You can add the five bucks to your registration, but be sure to tell Claudette that you’ve bought the business card ad or she might think you’re just being generous --yikes!
*Sign up for decoration committee (email me).
*Search for those lost Lions.
*Be Prepared to be a part of the greatest Lions' Pride ever at Baker's Best Lion Fest, Class of '70 Reunion!
August 9, 2005
All Lions planning on attending this gathering of our Pride and wanting to stay in the Lions' Den should make reservations now... at the Hilton Garden Inn (800-445-8667).
The room rate is $89.00 per night. Don't forget to mention... Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion!
The Hilton Garden Inn is the official headquarters and temporary Lions' Den for this gathering of our Pride.
The deadline for the special block reservations is September 15th. Better hurry!
August 8, 2005
Dear Class of '70 Lions who have NOT registered yet,
How are you? Hope all is well. etc. etc. etc. Imagine, we only have about nine weeks until our Pride meets.
So, are you planning on attending Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 reunion? If you are, please go ahead and register--you know how it is, we need the money to pay all the deposits, etc. Registration is $65.00 per person. If for some reason you don't plan to
, please let me know so I can take you off the potential attendee list ( and send out the cat squad to purr-suade you otherwise
). We really need to get the numbers as close to 150 guests as possible, so we can guarantee our set rates, etc. This is very important for the success of our plans. Please take a minute to decide; then act on your decision--which, of course, will be to mail in your registration $$$
. Thanks for replying--I sure hope to see you there.
August 2, 2005
Hi Ya’ll,
For anyone interested in attending the mini-meeting of the reunion committee, here’s the info:
Meet at the Hampton Inn next by the Northlake Shopping Center off Veteran’s Pkwy. Saturday at 10 a.m. August 6. Address is 7390 Bear Lane. Phone 706-256-2222
We’ll do some business (count dollars$$$), maybe tool on over to the Hilton Garden Inn to check out our reunion headqtrs, and then those who want to will have lunch and just socialize/brainstorm/and generally do what we have learned to do so well
. Feel free to just pop in for a quick visit, too; but watch out--we'll put you to work!!!
August 1, 2005
Six hours to go or less, unless you're further west than I am, so you may have an hour or three longer to get that registration in the snail mail!!! Yesterday's email had the registration form at the end--I think. I've done so many of these deadline emails that I can't remember when or what or who/whom?
I think you'll agree that today is the deadline for the $50.00 discount rate. If you don't--SUPRISE
--it's midnight tonight in whatever time zone. Oc course if you're in Guam--it's tomorrow and you're really out of luck. I'm babbling, so I'll just say, git thee to the snail mail office and post your registration before the stroke, etc. wherever you are
... Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three...
July 31, 2005
This is first cause it’s MOST important!!! Get registered—now!!! Click here for printable registration form to mail in. Deadline: August 1, 2005!
We’ve got a few more Lions. I actually tried to put the names in semi-alpha order—don’t push it. Anyway, check it out. means the Lion has said "I'll be there!"
can't make it (with our condolences). The rest of these folks can't stop long enough to make up their minds (KIDDING). We just haven't had a definite answer from them, yet
. You gotta TELL ME! Just TELL ME!!!
Sherry Altman, Randy Achey
, Claudette Askew
, Karen Baker, Pam Williams Brand, Patrick Calhoun, Glenn Camp
, Becky Chesser Camp
, Charlie Carmichael
, Shirley Collier
, John Crimmel, Jan Daniels, Mike Dansereau
, Charles Craig Davis, Matalyn Bryan Davis
, Don Dubia
, Laurie Fellenz
, Carolyn Hall, Mike Figueroa Hinkle
, Bill Fraley, Mike Freeman
, Barbara Fuller.
Pete Gillespie, Joel Gilmore, Deborah Ann Hagan, Gloria Hambrick, Joan Hamilton, Ralph Harwell, Rick Hawks, Nancy Sabordo Harris
, Woody Douglas Haye
s, Joel Hobbs, Henry Holmes
, Henrietta Hood, Saundra Lewis Hunter
, Linda Hurst, Sherry Jackson Jenkins
, Penny Joiner, Danny Kirkpatrick, Bill Land, Dawn Langley
, Willie Layfield, Poppy Lopez
, Wanda Gail Losie
, Chuck Maffett, Sara Marchbanks, Larry Martin
, Donal Mathena
, Brian McDonough
, Bill McLean, Carey McNalley, Gene Murdock, Alisa Nofsinger, Jeanette Pawson, Gary Pfotenhauer, Edith Ray, Green Sandlin
, Nancy Sabordo
, Rick Sebenoler, Ronny Smith, Bill Southard
, Ronny Stafford, Maria Stringfellow, Ann Step, Kathy Tatum, Mike Taylor, Nancy Taylor Holland
, Greg Tharp
, Virgil Thompson, Candy Walding
, Bruce Wear, Val Webb
, Bryan Willis, Janice Wolf, Lynn Wyatt, Carlotta Yeager (her email rejected).
Just tell me if I left you out, or you change your mind, or you make up your mind! By the way: these emails go out as blind copies to protect your email identity. Those in the to line that you see (apart from your own address) are part of the committee that you will need to respond to in some fashion. Just in case you think I'm picking on YOU
Very Important Reminders:
*GO fill out the Lions' Remember form and send it along with your favorite recipe' to Wanda Gail asap!!
*Sit yourself down and make that 8 and 1/2 inch quilt/banner square -then let me know it's ready!!! before Sept. 1st.
*Stop wasting time and get your old photos to Glenn Camp!!! Mike Taylor, thanks for some awesome pics from an earlier reunion; the rest of you can see them at the Lion Fest
*Think about what you can do to help with the Save the Lions' Den effort --for more info, email me until Henry Holmes and Woody Hayes say I can give out their names and email addresses . Apparently they ain't ready yet, cause I'm still waitin' for the go-ahead
*Reserve your room at Hilton Garden Inn (800-445-8667); mention Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion!
*Draw that Lion picture if you're an artist (or think you are).
*Help find a crown for our king.
*Buy a business card ad ($5 bucks) or a bigger one ($$$more bucks) in our remembrance book--that's through Wanda Gail Losie, too. You can add the five bucks to your registration, but be sure to tell Claudette that you’ve bought the business card ad or she might think you’re just be generous --yikes!
*Sign up for decoration committee (email me).
*Search for lost Lions.
*Be Prepared to be a part of the greatest Lions' Pride ever at Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion! Can’t wait to see you!!!
July 30, 2005
Sure hope ya'll aren’t tired of reading about the reunion cause I got lots more to tell you. If you haven’t been keeping up with what’s happening, here goes… got a few more names in the "plus" column . Come on you slow-pokes, git er done... found a few more lost ones--keep searching.
We've mapped out the places and times for each event of the reunion weekend. We’ve gotten the rates and prices for food, drinks, etc. We’ve put deposits on every little thing. We’ve made all the arrangements for a terrific weekend. BUT—we need you to go ahead and pay up $$$.
We need your $$$ to pay for some of this stuff now…i.e.
* the Hilton Inn for snacks (no, we can’t bring our own brownies), the meeting room, and cash bar set-up fee (for the boozehounds)
*the Iron Works for the Sat. night dinner and all the accompanying entertainment (except for Henry Holmes and Co. performing their impromptu quartet—that’s free)
*the cash bar set-up fee (for real serious boozehounds), etc.
* the music, dancing shoes—oops, scratch the dancing shoes--, er, sundries, and nonesuch.
*Then there’s the cookout-- hot dogs, cool drinks, and tater salad.
*And let’s not forget the memory book, video show, and candid photos of all the falling down Lions. “Look Ma, I’m drunk!”
Anyway we really need your registration $$$s to cover our expenses and make sure we have everything ready for the arrival of the Pride. So, if you get your registration and money in the mail by midnight (like filing taxes) on Monday night—it’s still just $50.00.
But after that--$65.00 per person.
Here's some good news. We have Free stuff, too
--the Lions’ banner/quilt—made by and for Lions
--Prizes—have we got Lion stuff for you! A contest or four is in the offing, and we’ve found some really neat Lions you’ll want to take home, too ( no, we’re not talking about nubile bodies ).
But... you will have loads of fun and see lots of friendly faces straight from your own Lion Pride of ‘70.
Admit it: you’re excited!
In October, Lions’ gonna ROAR and more!
Here’s a sampler of the memories from Mike Taylor’s hallowed halls…Mr. Stewart’s biology class; “Bomber” Braxton’s math class; Col Horan, Col. Hayes, Major Thomas, Major Blumhagan, and Mr. Shepard (the V. Principal)! Physics class with Mr. Harmon, which intimidated, but also fascinated me. Eddy Jr. High and many friends in Oakland Park. (dreaming of the day when I’d going to Baker High where the older and cooler kids went).
How can he remember all those names???
By the way, who's your favorite teacher? We're going to take an o-fficial vote before long to see who we really loved!!!
Keep those memories coming…
FYI--The committee is meeting in Columbus on August 6 in case you’re interested. All are welcome. We’ll determine a deadline for all you slackers out there who plan to come, but haven’t sent your money in . After that deadline, you’ll need a crowbar to get in (ha, ha—very funny). Problem is, we have to tell the food servers how many to prepare for. The same applies to both nights and the cookout. So send your $$$s ASAP.
Okay, that’s it for now. We’ll keep you updated on who’s planning to be there as soon as the sluggards let us know!
We’re expectin’ to see a bunch of registrations arriving daily. Just do it!
July 29, 2005
After All These Years....Lions' Pride Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of ‘70
35 Years Class Reunion, October 14-16, 2005
Memory Book Information Sheet
PLEASE SEND A RECENT SNAPSHOT OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALONG WITH THIS INFORMATION SHEET (or you may want to just email your responses and snail-mail the picture).
DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE YOUR FAVORITE RECIPE FOR THE BAKER'S BAKERS COOKBOOK. MAIL TO: Wanda Mulford Losie, 26594 State Highway 181, Daphne, Alabama 36526. Questions: please call Wanda at (251) 626-6047or email at:
Look Out Lions!!! Only two days left!!!!!!!! Get registered, now for Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion! July 28. 2005
Time's awastin' and you ain't registered yet??? Only three days left to get your discounted rate. That's $50.00 per Lion, and a guaranteed good time... for someone So send your registration and $$$ on to Claudette (Keeper of the Kash) NOW!
July 27, 2005
Are you registered, yet? You only have four days left for the discount rate of $50.00. So, what are you waiting for? The deadline? August 1st (Registration jumps to $65.00 after that) Now, get that registration email (or open the attachment) and just Do It! Don’t forget to reserve your room for Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of ’70 reunion (800-445-8667) or you’ll be sleeping in the car! Yeah, I know—you’ve done that a few times.
July 24, 2005
Hidey Ho, Classmates! I'm delighted to tell you that we have located a few more Lions since the last email went out about our lost ones... We'll try to get you some updates on those who have been located asap.
In the meantime, here are the Lions we are in contact with: Sherry Altman, Karen Baker, Pam Brand, Matalyn Davis, Charlie Carmichael, John Crimmel, Jan Daniels, Mike Dansereau, Charles Davis, Don Dubia, Laurie Fellenz, Mike Figueroa, Bill Fraley, Joel Gilmore, Deborah Ann Hagan, Joan Hamilton, Ralph Harwell, Rick Sebenoler, Joel Hobbs, Hnerietta Hood, Saundra Hunter, Linda Hurst, Sherry Jackson, Penny Joiner, Danny Kirkpatrick, Bill Land,WIllie Layfield, Poppy Lopez, Chuck Maffett, Sara Marchbanks, Larry Martin, Donal Mathena, Brian McDonough, Bill McLean, Carey McNalley, Gene Murdock, Alisa Nofsinger, Jeanette Pawson, Gary Pfotenhauer, Edith Ray, Nancy Sabordo, Ronny Smith, Bill Southard, Ann Step, Kathy Tatum, Mike Taylor, Greg Tharpe, Virgil Thompson, Carolyn Hall, Candy Walling, Bruce Wear, Val Webb, Bryan WIllis, Janice Wolf, Lynn Wyatt, Maria Stringfellow, Nancy Holland, Barbara Fuller, Carlotta Yeager, Gloria Hammet...
There are others--I'm using a list from last month . Before you start hollerin--I am sorry if I spelled a name incorrectly--or left you off the list completely.
Let me know if I left you off, so I can fix you, er, it.
I'm hurryin to get this out! Enjoy the prospects of seeing these Lions and more at the October gathering of Baker's Best Lions Pride
Reminders: Make your 8 and 1/2 inch quilt/banner square by Sept. deadline, turn in your favorite recipe' asap!! (Wanda Gail Losie), get your pictures to Glenn Camp, get registered (Claudette Askew Billings) by Aug 1st deadline, join the Save the Lions' Den effort --for more info, email me until Henry Holmes and Woody Hayes say I can give out their names and email addresses , reserve your room at Hilton Garden Inn (800-445-8667), draw that Lion picture if you're an artist, find a crown for our king, buy an ad in our remembrance book (Wanda Gail Losie) sign up for decoration committee (email me), help with locating lost Lions, and if that isn't enough, be sure you plan to have a superb fun-filled reunion weekend at the Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of '70 Reunion!
July 17, 2005
How About a Little Sea Cruise?
Wild rumors have surfaced (no pun intended) that some Lions are plotting a cruise!
Well, that depends on what your definition of plotting is. A few wild and wooly, make that hairy Lions are indeed investigating the possibility of a Lion cruise for the next reunion. If you are interested in sailing the Seven Seas (well, maybe just one sea) with a bunch of rowdy Lions , send an email. We’re absolutely in the planning stages, but we are talking to travel agents and cruise lines to see if we can come up with a super cruise and excellent rates. If you have contacts that could help, speak up!!!!
Move over Pirates, the Lions are casting off!
We want a Lion to be proud of--For Lions, Of Lions, and BY a Lion!!!
Send us your original drawing of His Majesty, the King. We’re looking for a really cool Class of ’70 Lion head logo.
Sure there are nice drawings out there , but we want one produced by a Lion. And we need it ASAP! So all you artsy Lions, get busy and sketch one out. Each drawing will be entered and shared with our classmates who will select the one they like best.
The winning artist will receive a special prize and recognition and adulation from fellow Lions at the Lion Fest in October. What could be more fun? Seeing all those entries!!!
A Lion Legend or Three
Do you know the history of the Upatoi Creek Monster? How did you learn about him? Did you ever hear about the swimming pool on the lower level at Baker? Do you know about reports of a ghost in a certain stairwell? Tell us your Baker legend. There are a few floating around. And since we’re inquiring and gullible, we can’t wait to hear from you.
Register Now! Deadline is Aug. 1st
The discounted $50.00 rate goes up to $65.00 after August 1st.
If you need a registration form, a copy is available at the Baker website. Go to and copy and paste it to a blank document. Thanks to Baker webslave, Sylvia Head for this helpful post.
FYI—the first 25 Lions registered will be entered in a drawing for a very neat prize!!! Something verrry Lionish.
Lion Business
About that stroll down memory lane (with photos) Wanda is putting together for us, we have arranged for you to have the opportunity to “invest” in the book. Natchurly we have expenses to cover, so we’re selling ads (like the ads in the Lions’ Pride annual). So we have a couple of sizes available for a minimal investment. A simple business card is $5 bucks. Then there is a ¼ page, ½ page, etc. You can put whatever you like…well, almost whatever—no nude photos, etc. Sorry. For more information, email Wanda directly wlosie@bellsouth . And remember, we do need your support.
Keep Lookin for Lost Lions…
Be sure to send in those addresses and information about our lost Lions, so we can reach as many as possible. Check that list!!!
July 15, 2005
Hi again Loyal Lions,
Where are the talented artists who can draw a nice black and white picture of a Lion? We need the drawing to use on our name badges and as part of our decorations. I have found several, but they were not drawn by One of US . Don't be shy, if you can draw one, do it. We need it in the next few weeks. Let me know!!!
Also if you are in the printing business or have a good contact (meaning save us $$$$) with a printer, we need you. Simple job-- print our name badges (sans name) with a little bit of artwork (see "drawing of Lion" above ). Blue ink on white card stock. If you need more particulars--email me. I'm in the process of getting quotes, but would prefer to use Lion people and talent as much as possible.
p.s. Get registered!!! Deadline for discounted $50.00 per person rate is August 1 (form attached if you need it AGAIN). For Hilton Garden Inn Reservations call 800-445-8667 or 706-660-1000 and reserve under Baker's Best Lion Fest Class of ''70. We have a block of rooms, but they are limited. Don't wait!
July 13, 2005
Greetings Lions...
Here are a couple of necessary reunion business notes and a VIP p.s. of interest...
For those making the quilt squares for our reunion quilt, please make your square 8½ inches instead of just 8”; we have to allow for the seam (duh), so just use your 8 inches for your image. Have fun! By the way, any of you crafty Lions out there interested in forming a small committee (you don’t even have to be in the same town) for the purpose of putting together this quilt, just let me know; you are most welcome!!!
Remember to get your squares turned in by the September deadline; we need time to put them together in the quilt/banner for display at our reunion. The quilt/banner background is white.
We are planning for our reunion decorations. If you want to be a significant part of that action—you know what to do: Let me know!!!! We’ll need some decorations for our ice breaker/social/registration/Friday night blast at the Hilton Garden Inn. We’ll also want to decorate the room at the Trade Center (Iron Works) for our massive, tremendous, super stupendous, uh, festivities (grin) on Saturday night. Ideas and hands on volunteers are appreciated. This won’t require hours of set up or lots of muscle. But the more, the merrier.
We also need someone(s) to take over the making of His Highness, King Leo’s royal robe/cape. Loosen up those arthritic (oh, my gosh, did I say that?) fingers and start sewing. Well, let me know first—so I can relax about our King’s clothes—I would hate for him to appear naked at his coronation ceremony!
Finally, can you believe we have just two and a half months until BB (Baker’s Best) day? Time is streaking. Don’t forget to make your hotel room reservations soon. Tell them you want to register for Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of ’70 reunion.
August 1st is your deadline to get your early registration discount of $50.00 per person. I already sent you the registration email with ALL the details. After the deadline, the registration rate goes up to $65.00 per person. Of course, you will still get all the promised fun, it’ll just cost you more. So why wait?
Beer, beer for old Baker High.
Shake out the cocktails;
Bring on the rye!
Send those freshmen out for gin,
And don’t let a sober LION in!!!
VIP p.s. The plans to raze Baker High and "put in a parking lot" MUST be stopped. With Henry Holmes and Woody Hayes leading the movement, we will use political pressures (and Lion chains, too) to stop the destruction of the Lions' Den (as Woody called it). So, look for ways to help and watch for more info...Lions United!
Hey Ya'll,
I got so excited about this idea that I decided to share it. I sent this to Claudette at first--her daughter might help with registration, but then it just grew as I typed--what ya'll think???
What about getting some non-Lions to do an video interview with every Lion at the event? Simple qustns like who are you (Baker name) what are you doing now? What's your fondest memory of Baker? Who was your best friend? Stuff like that. We can use that registration number and give the interviewer a list of names and numbers to check off as each is interviewed. This can be done the entire time and be included as a wrap up to the reunion. I envision a 2 or 3 minute soundbite for most Lions; others may get more chatty. But wouldn't that be a neat thing to have? I actually did that for a family reunion a few years ago. Since I didn't know most of the folks, I had a blast doing the interviews and the family loved the result. We sold them for $5.00 or something to cover the cost of the video and postage since we mailed them later after we had made the copies. It's possible that we could do the same thing. Mainly I wanted to get someone who could get the reluctant Lions to talk on camera. Pointed questions not "yes" or"no" will help. Oh, I do go on, but I am excited by the possibility--hell, I may do it myself
since I don't klnow MOST of the Lions....what a fun way to break the ice, and I do love breaking things
Lost Lions are not happy Lions. We need to find them. Some of the missing (A - C only) include: (Please note the names are last name first/ a comma separates each person)
Akman Ismail, Amerson Edward, Anspaugh Mary, Averett Michael, Babb Briggs Paulette, Baccerra Peter, Ballenger Johann, Barringer Judy, *Baxley Michael C., Baxter Penny (Henriette) , Bell Alice, Beltran Galia (Sally), Biggerstaff Charlotte, Bolton Joan (Nonie), Bookman Edmund, Booth Yolandra Cheryle, Bowden Ronald, Brendle David, Bridges George, Brown Patricia Dianne, Buckleo Joseph, Bugh Robert, Burchett Cody Thomas, Burrows Debbie, Byars Claudia, Caffey Linda, Campbell James, Cardona Zonia, Carlisle Phil, Carothers Joann, Carruthers Richard, Cartegenia Pedro, Carter Michael, Champian Carolyn, Chatman Cassandra, Christenson Robert "Mickey", Coco Harry, Collier Bernard H., Collier Bernice H., Cone Terry, Cooper Michael Lloyd, Cooper Terry, Cooper William "Bill" , * Cope Toni, Crawford Sandra, Cunningham Steve. (if you have any info--let us know)
FYI: here are a few MORE of the Lions we are in contact with via email : Mike Dansereau, Sherry Jackson, Carey McNalley, Poppy Lopez, Nancy Sabordo Harris, Edith Ray, Joel Gilmore, Barbara Fuller, Bryan Willis, and... Donny Mathena, Larry Martin, Henry Holmes, Bill Land, Val Webb, Kathy Tatum, Sherry Altman, Janice Wolf Burke, Lynn Wyatt, Jan Daniels, Douglas Woody Hayes, Joel Hobbs, Linda Hurst, Gene Murdock, Bill McLean, Sara Marchbanks, Alisa Nofsinger, and .....
Just thought you'd like to know.
July 8, 2005
Lions Share
Once a Lion, Always a Lion.
Whether you graduated with our class or moved away before you even became a senior of ’70 (with all its rights and privileges), you are a Lion. And that means you are one of us. So what are you waiting for? Get yourself registered and plan to join your Lions’ Pride, Baker’s Best—Class of ’70 October 14 through 16 for Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of ’70!!!
Just a few Lion Memories…Mr. Boyles’ pipe? The seniors’only table in the cafeteria? The Traffic Circle? Oakland Park Drugstore sodas?
Too bad that motel (Colony Inn?) on Victory Drive (just up from Boyce McRae's) can't accommodate us. Just re-reading your e-mail about nostalgic landmarks, I believe that the hamburger joint close to the Traffic Circle was the forerunner of Burger King. Remember Burger Chef just off the Circle on Benning Drive? Right in front Gaylords Department Store? I lived on Collins Drive as did Kenny Odom, Shirley Englebert, Jerry Hickson, Ray Gunn, Robert Hudson, Bob Allport and Jimmy Clark ('68). I remember every Saturday at 12:00 Noon when the air raid siren would blast from that big water tower on Stonewall Drive atop Benning Hills. Camping on the reservation before the Lindsey Creek Bypass was built. Also, meeting John Wayne, David Janssen (sp?) and Aldo Ray when they filmed the Green Berets at Benning and watching the movie crew transform part of Victory Drive near Kings School of Aviation into areas of Saigon! Benning Hills Elementary School was a trip! Went there from 1st through 6th grades! Remember both of the lakes behind the school and when they built the park! Too, too many brain cells are vying for a front row seat right now, so I am going to close the curtain and call it a day.
Just a small trip back on a long journey!
Best Wishes! Douglas W (Woody) Hayes
I did love the pep rallys! Beverly Rayburn Richardson
Remember leaving during lunch every day and eating at Krystal for about .35 cents. Also used to eat at the Country Maiden - remember the best hamburgers and milk shakes!!!! Had lots of fun hanging out with my best friends Paige Lybrand and Debbie Gary. Remember the weekend in Panama City and meeting the Alabama boys??????????? Oh to be young again. Lucia Lamee Yates
Share your memories with us; we’ll share some with you. You don’t have to write much, just give us a brief summary (or a long one, if you like) of your memories of your time at Baker. We have some plans for these memoirs, so start sending them in. You can send as often as you wish to until we announce a deadline, so dust off your Baker files.
Where are those Lions now?
We are frantically working on contacting classmates who don’t have email. If you have addresses or phone numbers, let me know. We would like to incorporate email and home addresses and phone number into a master list for future class reunions. Also please let me know if you learn of anyone who has passed away (I just hate that), so I can notate that in our memorial and our memory book (which needs a name). Wanda Losie,
Cookin’ up a Lion Fest!
Don’t forget to send me (Wanda Losie, ) your favorite recipe for our tasty Baker’s Bakers cookbook. Just email the detail—and I’ll put it in the collection. Lions, get cookin’! By the way, I'm really excited, tooooooo!!!!!
Memory Book
Wanda is also busy putting together an exclusive and very special memory book for our big Lion Fest in October. It will contain Lion photos, comments, nostalgia, and other roarin’ good stuff! Watch for more information on this very cool deal in the near future. Plan to put an advertisement of your own in there, if you like. Of course, if you just want to brag on your grand-youngin’s (Yikes!), you can put their pictures in there (for a nominal fee) and brag away. So watch for announcements in coming weeks.
A Crown for a King, etc., etc., etc
We’re looking for one—a crown, that is. And a scepter, too. If you have any suggestions or SKILLS, tell us. No tiaras are acceptable—thanks anyway. But for creative ar-teests, these little projects should be fun. Also if you sew, we have a couple of quick and small projects that we’d love to have Lions work on or play with, depending on your perspective. We need a royal pillow—to hold the crown. We want a royal collar-type cape for His Highness; it needs to be only a collar-type cape cause, face it—Himself is very large!!! If you want to participate, just holler.
Lions Quilting???
Saving the best for last—we’re making a Baker quilt! That’s right—a quilt. Your personalized quilt square is hereby requested. Put anything on it that reminds you of Baker High School days. Your quilt square should be 8” by 8”. Other than that, there are no restrictions. Paint, embroider, glue, needlepoint—well, you get the idea. Just do it. We’re looking at early September as a deadline to get your square completed. Okay then, get started on the first ever, one and only, Baker’s Best Lion Fest Class of ’70 Lions’ Quilt!
July 4, 2005 - Happy Fourth of July!!!
Well, that was kind of catchy (). Now down to business.
We have reserved a block of rooms for Baker’s Best Lions only! The hotel will even try to put our rooms on the same floor; all the more reason to get your reservations in early.
Call the Hilton Garden Inn toll free 800-445-8667 or 706-660-1000 and tell them you are one of Baker’s Best Lion Fest reunion, Class of ‘70
The room rate is $89.00 for standard king/non-smoking.
Now, this is important: do not wait to make your reservations ‘cause there are two other events (one--another Baker reunion) that SAME weekend! You may not be able to get any room if you wait too long. Better to reserve and cancel later if necessary (right, like you’re not going to be there).
Remember, the Hilton Garden Inn will be our Lion Fest headquarters, and it is niiiice: lovely grounds, a small lake, boardwalk, quiet, wooded location, but close to everything, indoor pool and spa, nice rooms (four or five floors)—what more could you ask for? A Party? Well, you got it! Friday evening—in our own private room (with terrace and patio) overlooking the lake. Did I mention the cash bar? How about the light snacks? Need I remind you that Baker’s Best will be gathering there to get reacquainted with old, nay—Loyal Lions?
Okay then, what are you waitin’ for? Pick up the phone and reserve your rooms! Aren’t you excited?
June 30, 2005
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
All Honorable (and not so honorable) Baker High School Lions of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Seventy (1970) in the Year of Our Lord--
You are hereby commanded to appear and be present at the Best of Baker celebration and general melee. Said event will commence promptly at dark-thirty on Friday, the fourteenth of October, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Five and will continue, without pause or interruption, for the ensuing forty-eight hours and odd minutes (or until the last Lion sleeps).
Lions in Good Standing are hereby ordered to remit the right and proper sum of fifty dollars (American) to the Keeper of the Kash (Claudette Billings) before the stroke of midnight Monday, the first of August, in the Year etc., etc., etc.
Failing to so do, you will be relegated to the status of Scraggly Lion. As such, you will be required to clean up your act and get said act registered at a higher rate TBA.
All Loyal and True Lions of the Realm who in fact show their Baker colors by RSVPing before the dreaded deadline, will be duly noted and recognized and rewarded!!!
Once a Lion, Always a Lion!
Lions Share
Wanted: Mugshots, Snapshots, Potshots, Hotshots, etc…What do we want? Interesting question. We want pictures—of LIONS. We want Lions at sporting events, Lions on class trips, Lions at get togethers with other classmates during the year, Lions, Lions, Lions!!! I’ll crop whatever I can from the yearbook and use those pictures (may still do that for filler). I wish I knew what they did with all of the pictures taken for the Yearbook that did not make it in! That would surely be a treasure trove worth showing. [Does anyone have information on this?] I envision this being like the screen saver on your computer. You can set it to randomly show pictures in the "My Pictures" folder. In fact, I will take the pictures and burn them to a disc. I suspect there will be a request for copies, so I will just have to copy the disc (not that anyone will look at them after they get them). [We are in fact providing each attending Lion with a copy of the c.d.] I wonder if some of the old video might be available. I seem to recall us taking some 8mm pictures. If the video files are small enough, that might be worth showing. I'm not looking to make a documentary, just pictures and clips that generate conversation.--Chief CAT P, ’70 [send photos and info to Glenn at ]
Lions invited to listen to the music
Save Baker High School!
Dear Fellow Lions:
I was hoping that there were Lions that were passionate about Baker enough to do the human chain but the general consensus I have heard is that it will be acceptable to demolish Baker to make room for something useful to the community. I just can't believe that is true and wanted to get the word out before it is too late! [contact Sylvia at the address below]
--Sylvia Head, '79
Webslave to
The powers that be would not even consider tearing down Columbus High, even when the entire school was a burned out hulk. Are we less than worthy? Do we not bleed Blue and White?
I suggest a chain of Baker graduates, hand in hand, forming a human [LION] chain around the entire school. We could make national news. We might be able to get some monetary backing for this from someone like Oprah, or perhaps a Congressman, or Senator.
I can see the head lines now. Something to the effect:
"Local High School, alma mater to thousands of veterans and active duty military, to be demolished!"
Baker grads are different from others. We have always been close knit. We reach across all graduating classes. We keep in touch, and we support each other. Let the fight begin!
--Henry Holmes, ‘70
If you have info to share with classmates, send it on. I’ll put it in the next Lions Share.
June 4, 2005
It's me again!
For any and all interested in joing the fun while we fine tune the plans for the October reunion, here's the scoop:
Join us in Columbus on June 22. We'll use the Hampton Inn (Airport RD) as the contact point (cause us out-of-towners needed a "cheap" @ $85.00 place to stay). Once we are sort of together, we'll sort out what we still need to do--we might want to go to Trade Center; we definately will go to Hilton Garden Inn (would'v stayed there, but they wanted $109!!!--summer rates) and check out the accomodations for our Friday night registration. We will also be finalizing the picnic park location, and some other details. So, if'n you want to be in on this--by all means come on over. I figure to arrive in Columbus about 10 a.m. I'll send more details to anyone who emails me that he/she wants to join us... The more, the merrier.
June 3, 2005
Hi Lions, Just in case you wondered, I better clarify a couple of bits of info from the previous email.
I've had two questions about the "closed" post bit. We typically refer to our posts as "closed" when they are no longer open to the public as they had been. (Just drive on in.) Remember how it used to be? Well, after 9-11, lots of military installations "closed" their gates to the public. Now, to get in requires all manner of jumping through hoops--sometimes you just can't get in, ergo-- "closed" (some call it "secured"), but not "shut down."
On another note, I said the Traffic Circle is gone. Well, the circle part is gone--now it's just a typical straight intersection. It was kind of neat how we often had to go all the way around the thing to get to a particular exit on the circle. Now, it's just a blase' intersection, ergo-- no traffic circle.
Hope that clarifies things. Now if we could just say-- good ol Baker High is being renovated and will be doing business soon. Not. I really don't think that's going to happen, but...
June 2, 2005
Hi Ya'll,
We still need to get in touch with some missing Lions. Please go to the Baker website and look up a few of your old buddies. Send them a snail mail or call them. Let them know about the reunion plans ASAP!!! We're finalizing location this month (we're nearly crazy), and we'll be taking your registration information in just a few weeks (start savin those $$$$). Anyway, the following is a cut and paste from earlier email "lookin for Lions"--we still haven't found these and others!!! ...
Ya'll need to get out those old photo albums with pics from past reunions as well as pics from high school...we want 'em. Send them to Chief of All Things Pictorial (CAT P), Glenn Camp,, If you're not sure how to do it, ask him. Anyway, you can always mail them to him @ 100 East Ridge Court, Daleville, AL (that's Bama for some of you) 36322.
By the by, does anyone know how to contact Sheri Porter Miller? Deborah Hagan McGuire would like to re-locate her…
If you have a contact for Janice Walters Hall or Vicki Payne Brown (don't know all her other names), please let me know.
Another classmate wants to locate Chris Westrum. Ricky Henry has been added to our huntin' list. Feel free to email me about others you particularly want to contact. I'll keep them on the outgoing list until we find 'em.
FYI: here are a few of the Lions we are in contact with via email: Donny Mathena, Larry Martin, Henry Holmes, Bill Land, Val Webb, Kathy Tatum, Sherry Altman, Janice Wolf Burke, Lynn Wyatt, Jan Daniels, Douglas Woody Hayes, Joel Hobbs, Linda Hurst, Gene Murdock, Bill McLean, Sara Marchbanks, Alisa Nofsinger, and ..... Just thought you'd like to know.
May 28, 2005
Hello to the Lion Pride,
Since we started making plans for the class of 1970 reunion way back
in the summer last year, we've seen a steady increase in responses
from "lost" Lions. Some of you just disappeared and now, after all
these years, you're back!!! That's fantastic. There will be more than a few happy mini-reunions at our big reunion (October 14-16). We're so glad to have you join us this year. It's our 35th (egad!!!) year since having to tolerate Mr. Shepard's sneak attacks, or thegrowls of Oscar P., or the constant nagging of the likes of Ms. Skinner, or that very looong biology class, or the dreaded Starling book report. Well, you get the idea.
Of course, neither have we had a really bitchin' sock hop in about 35 years! Nor have we seen a rip-terrin' good Lion football game against those big, dumb south Georgia plowboys (whew!). Those hot afternoons spent trying to stay awake in History, Economics, or Government are far behind us (unless you teach).
The Traffic Circle is gone, Ft. Benning is a closed post now, and Benning Hills just ain't the same as it used to be. Still, a few "Kodak" moments are likely to slap you upside the head if you take a ride down Victory Drive or head over to Oakland Park. But some things have a permanent place in your mind's eye, regardless: The Streamliner, the "passion pit," the Phoenix City by-pass and drag races: do you remember?
What else do you fondly recall? Take a minute and jot down a few of your memories to share with us. Nothing taxing--just a couple of words, or a sentence or two. Be as detailed as you like or just keep it short. We just want to collect some Lion stuff to share. How 'bout paper straws? Kirvens department store downtown? Columbus Square? The fire in the Columbus High library? (Did they ever figure out whodunit?). Remember the Senior Class Trip to Panama City (we froze our behinds off)? And what was the name of that little round burger hut by the traffic circle? Oh, remember the smell of baking bread as we rode the Benning busses to school each morning? "Acquarius" and Jefferson Airplane (now Starship), and The Graduate. Oh, my. Yes, those were good days.
Well, back to work now. Hope you don't mind my waxing nostalgic, but all this reunion planning has really taken me back--want to join me? Love to have you [image removed] . Share some memories...
May 26, 2005
Hotel/Motel Information for Baker High School’s
Class of ’70, 35th Year Reunion!
We’ve selected three of the nicer hotels in Columbus to get current (subject to change) rates for you, and we checked to make sure that they have rooms available.
Reunion Headquarters will be in the Hilton Garden Inn. We didn’t get any special room rates, but we may receive some perks if enough Lions register there. If you make reservations for the Hilton Inn, be sure to tell the reservations’ clerk to note that you are attending the Baker Lions 35th Reunion October 14-16.
Hilton Garden Inn 800-445-8667
King/nonS-- $89.00
Wingate 800-228-1000
King/nonS-- $89.10
Courtyard by Marriott 800-228-9290
King/nonS-- $84.00
Don’t wait too long to make your reservations. A wedding is being held at the Hilton Garden Inn that same weekend. There is also another Baker High class reunion in October. I don’t know which weekend, but you don’t want to wait around. A couple of the reunion committee members have checked out these hotels and they liked the Hilton Inn best. It has some nice amenities, and we are making plans to hold our Friday night registration/Welcome in the Hilton Inn. See ya!
Pssst: If ya’ll are anywhere near as excited as your Reunion Committee Lions are, this reunion’ll have the makin’s of a blockbuster movie! Yeehaw. Romy and Michelle, move over!
May 16, 2005
Okay then Fellow Roarers,
It's time for some down and dirty workin' and hustlin'. We've got Lions on the job finding us a suitable place (since the Col State deal soured--see old emails). We are currently looking at Trade Center (looks promising-and not too costly) for Sat night. We are looking at The Loft for Fri night (Buddy has a second place opening soon), and we are considering Cooper Creek or Flat Rock Park for our cookout on Sat. Photo shoot may have to be moved to picnic area cause the ARMY is using Baker for some secret training (Imagine that--Baker being used to train combatants--hell, we did that the whole time we were there, didn't we?) Anyway, we might not be allowed to shoot our pictures with the hall of dear ol' Baker behind us. S'okay, we'll look good (and old) wherever we make our stand.
Let's see, what else. Oh, the cookbook! Get on that and send your recipes to Wanda (her email is in the cookbook email I sent you).
And the pictures!!! Oh, please send Glenn some pictures; he's so annoying when he doesn't have a ton of work to do.
And if you want to help (who wouldn't), please do one of the following (and let me know you're doing it!): --start getting donations of "prizes" or "gifts" for us to award Sat--that is going to be so much fun--who's the hairiest Lion? or how 'bout which Lion has the most cubs (gee--some Lions don't know how many cubs they have --just kidding, maybe). Anyway, we do have some contest type stuff in the wings, so we need prizes. Consider chain restaurants with coupons for dinner. Or maybe gift certificates from major stores. I'm trying to get my time share to donate a weekend (they might--you never know--doesn't hurt to ask).
Hmmm, what else? Oh, still need a nice royal robe and crown for His Highness. Something in "royal blue and gold" would be nice. We have plans for a crowning ceremony--did you guess that?
And we need help with videoing the weekend (Glenn can't handle all of it--that would be boring--KIDDING Glenn, just tryin' to get you some help!).
Also we will want some cooks--er, chefs to help with grilling on Saturday. Course that's closer to the event, but you can plan, can't you!
We also want memorabilia for the weekend. So get out your Lion stuff, especially those cute little cheerleader costumes (can anyone still get into those things???). We have some Baker pins, rings, and the like--see what you might have for displaying.
We need music, and lots of it!!! We want tunes from late 60's and very early 70's. Music we recognize as "high school." Once we have it, we need to be able to play it! So, you cd' burnin' cats, and electronic minded kittens, please get spinnin and make us some good dance cd's and listenin' music. No, 99 bottles of beer on the wall does not qualify. This is a biggie, cause the music of the day is important to the atmospher of the event, right? Any volunteers? Hummm?
What about an historian? Not that kind; someone to put together a scrapbook of what we Lions have accomplished? That would be very interesting to most of us. Someone want to go to work on that deal? Let me know, and I'll send along stuff.
Some folks keep suggesting that we should charge $50.00 per person, so we can have enough to have a really fine reunion, but, man I'm hatin' that. It all hinges on the place for Sat. night. We're really trying to keep costs down. So, the more people who get involved, the less we will have to pay for stuff, and I'm counting every dollar. Hey any bartenders out there? You guys make a killin!!! They want to charge us 600.00 for four hours!!! And that's just for them to pour drinks! Jeez, in the old days, we just poured it in a glass and added...something. Those were the days. Slow gin fizzes. Vodka and rum and bourbon--mixed--'cause you had to swipe a little from EACH of the bottles the folks had in their cabinet. Next morning was a killer though.
Okay, Last thing. On the motels. I still have not seen a negotiated rate that was worth signing a contract for. There are lots of places, but we're still checking. If you have contacts who can help get us a good rate, let us know.
As alway, be sure to let your classmates know of plans IN CASE they are not on the mailing list. Have them email me, and I'll add them.
Alright then Lions; we have work to do. Git er done!
Hello Rip Roarin' Lions!
Are you hungry? Do you like to eat? Then how 'bout some favorite recipes for our cookbook?
Whatdaya mean, "What cookbook?"
The Baker High School Class of 1970 cookbook: Baker's Bakers: The Cookbook of Lion Family Recipes
Oh, that cookbook. Sheesh. Yeah, we need some Lioncipes.
SO get busy! The following is a message from Chief Chef Wanda....
If you're having trouble digging up a "secret recipe," we'd love to have your "favorite" recipe. It would be nice to have everyone submit at least one recipe. You can send them directly to me at I'll be out of pocket for a couple of weeks, but will be roaring to start putting your recipes in published form as soon as I return. We'll be cookin soon, Your "Chief Chef"
February 29, 2005
Plans are moving along for the 35th year reunion for the Class of 1970 to be held October 14-16, 2005. Anyone wishing more information OR wanting to HELP (oh, yeah!) just send an email to Cherry Dawn (Langley) Chambers,