Jose A. Cardona, '61 Signed in for the first time.
Sue Anne Thomason, '61 Signed in for the first time.
Cathy "Cathy" Fitch Franklin, '62 Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures. Please email me - connect at the All Class Reunion July 30 - 31, 2004. I'll be staying at the Howard Johnson Express Inn listed under Catherine Franklin.
Mary Kathleen "Kathy" Geoffrion Dale, '64 Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures. Kathy Geoffrion (Dale) has updated her information and personal web page....
Douglas Wayne "Wayne" Reynolds, '64 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures. Douglas Wayne Reynolds signed in for the first time and updated his information
Frances Ann "Franki" Calloway, '65 Signed in for the first time.
Daniel L. "Danny" Lee, '65 Signed in for the first time.
Jack Reagan, '65 Updated his e-mail address.
Patricia "Pat" Rollins Oare, '65 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information.
Joe Donald Bacchus, '67 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Brenda Cabler Mathers, '67 Uploaded some new pictures.
Colleen "Olivia" Teets Borgheresi, '67 Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
John Michael "John" Allen, '69 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information.
Michael Joseph "Bazz" Basiliere, '69 Signed in for the first time.
Mary Ann Caldwell, '69 Signed in for the first time.
Ginger Kelly, '69 Revised her @Baker page.
William R. "Randy" Achey, '70 Revised his @Baker page.
Douglas N. "Doug" Broaddus, '70 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. added home address and phone number. also another email address.
Robert Hudson Dervan, '70 Signed in for the first time.
Charles R. "Charlie" Maffett, '70 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Linda McCorkle Hurst, '70 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Rick W. Lester, '71 Signed in for the first time.
Susan V "Susie" McCormick Ford, '71 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Jack Lee Colson, '72 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. NEW PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS
Tommy Raxter, '73 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. I AM NOW SINGLE AFTER 27 YEARS OF MARRIAGE! I AM RAISING MY 6 YEAR OLD GRANDSON
Ed "Ed" Spidle, '73 Signed in for the first time.
Connie Wallace, '74 Signed in for the first time.
Bernard "Barney" Cavanaugh, '75 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information.
Linda V. "Viki" McCormick Hasty, '75 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information.
Reginald L Watson, '75 Signed in for the first time.
Leroy "Buddy" Miller, '76 Updated his contact information.
Kay E. Stevens Stevens-Beasock, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Sylvia F. Head, '79 Revised her @Baker page.
Tommy W. DeBardelaben, '83 Signed in for the first time.
Brian K. Freeman, '83 Signed in for the first time.
Joseph Richerson, '83 Uploaded some new pictures.
Samuel J. Hamilton, '84 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Diane Redena Jordan, '88 Signed in for the first time.
Bradley Marshall, '88 Revised his @Baker page.
George E. Askew, '89 Signed in for the first time.
Dawna Walker Dawkins, '89 Signed in for the first time.
Richard G. Marcum, '90 Signed in for the first time.
Christopher Aiken, '91 Updated his contact information.
Roland David David (Wilson), '60 Signed in for the first time.
Frank L. Duke, '62 Revised his @Baker page.
Charles F. "Skeeter" Haag, '62 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. Marital status changed, updated e-mail address, phone numbers
Carlton "Curly" Harman, '62 Updated his contact information. Changed address info
Mary Kathleen "Kathy" Geoffrion Dale, '64 Signed in for the first time.
Kenneth "Ken" Kannady, '64 Signed in for the first time.
Donald A. "Don" McKenzie McKenzie, '64 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
C. Linwood "Lin" Williams, '64 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Rosalind "Roz" Andrews Owen, '65 Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures. Updated @Baker page. On a recent trip to GA, swung by Everybody's in Emory Village - and visited Athens after 30 years, some things NEVER change.
Avery Michael "Mike" Brown, '65 Updated his e-mail address. Revised his @Baker page.
Lavada Caldwell Caldwell-Smith, '65 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Jerry Wayne Hughes, '65 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information.
Mike Brown, '66 Signed in for the first time.
Thomas R. "Tom" Covington, '66 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. Address up-date and new Grandpa.
Walter "Wally" Pollock, '67 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Phlinda Schumacher, '67 Signed in for the first time. Updated personal e-mail address. Updated personal contact information.
Colleen "Olivia" Teets Borgheresi, '67 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures.
Ginger Kelly, '69 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Revised her @Baker page.
Cherry Dawn Langley Chambers, '70 Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures.
Tommy "Tom" Blanton, '71 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Uploaded some new pictures.
Ken Bradshaw, '71 Signed in for the first time. Revised his @Baker page.
Debbie Spidle Maindonald, '71 Updated her contact information.
Michele Katherine "Chelzie" Manuel Colson, '72 Signed in for the first time. Revised her @Baker page.
Gunther Robert "Bob" Swecker, '72 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures.
Thomas "Tommy" Barfield, '74 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Bernard "Buddy" Bentfeld, '74 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information. Uploaded some new pictures.
Aura Escribano, '75 Signed in for the first time.
Peter Sharp, '77 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information.
Sylvia F. Head, '79 Revised her @Baker page.
Carol Ann Kaplan, '81 Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures.
Kenneth Lee "Kenny" Kay, '81 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information.
Linda Sue Lee, '88 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Lynn Marie McKenzie Sanders, '90 Uploaded some new pictures.
James Fortson, '49 Signed in for the first time.
Joan Faye "Faye" Mixon, '55 Signed in for the first time.
George Edward "Eddie" Allen, '59 Signed in for the first time.
Cheryl Kaye Crisler, '64 Signed in for the first time.
Judy Ann Kerns Well, '65 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information.
Michael E "Mike" Wilbourn, '66 Signed in for the first time.
Martha Jane Castilow Gordon, '68 Updated his/her e-mail address. Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Ronald Koebbe, '68 Signed in for the first time. Revised his @Baker page.
Matalyne H. "Matt" Bryan Davis, '70 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. I will be in columbus until the end of the year I think. August 8, 2004, I will host the Jazz Jam for the Columbus Jazz Society at the Liberty Theatre from 6-9pm. I will sing with my jazz band, the Madeleine Davis Quartet. Y'all come now, hear?!!
Toni Cope, '70 Signed in for the first time.
Tommy McKenzie, '70 Signed in for the first time.
Lisa Powell Pruitt, '70 Signed in for the first time.
David M. Bacchus, '71 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Linda M. Cox, '72 Revised her @Baker page.
Virginia Arlene "Gini" Duke Morgan, '72 Uploaded some new pictures.
Paul Anthony Jennings, '72 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information.
Wendy Denise Page, '72 Revised her @Baker page.
Potiphar Alexander, '73 Signed in for the first time. Revised his @Baker page.
Rickey "Rick" Burns, '74 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures. Updated personal info and added family picture.
Wava Mulford Friedman, '74 Updated her e-mail address.
Peter Sharp, '77 Updated his e-mail address.
Bonita Renee "Bonnie" Thomas Melendez, '77 Signed in for the first time.
Nina Appleby Koetter, '78 Updated her e-mail address. Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures.
Vicki Grundy Harris, '78 Updated her e-mail address. Revised her @Baker page.
Susan Lynn Hughes, '79 Updated her e-mail address.
David B. Otis, '83 Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information.
Robert Thomas "Tom" Tolbert, '83 Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
William "Bill" Bender, '59 Updated his contact information.
Richard Bull, '59 Signed in and revised his/her @Baker page.
James Kyle "Jim" Cummings, '60 Jim entered his new home page URL and photos.
Jimmy Kirkland, '61 Updated his e-mail address.
Albert A. "Tony" Contois, '64 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
James Michael "Mike" Morris, '64 Sent in some contact information.
Tonnie Joyce Rankin Shipley, '64 Updated her contact information.
Elizabeth "Betsy" Shevlin Watson, '64 Signed in for the first time.
James Robert "Jim" Woods, '64 Updated his\ e-mail address and contact information.
Lynda Diane Bower Rose, '65 Lives in Columbus and provided a new email address.
Pamella J "Pam" Duke Duke Varnon, '65 Updated her e-mail address and contact information. She also uploaded a bunch of pictures; check'em out!
Sheryl P. McCain Casaday, '65 Updated her e-mail address.
William Noel "Bill" Wireman, '65 Updated his/her contact information.
James Alan "Jim" Grant, '66 Updated his e-mail address.
Sidney J. "Sid" Roche, '66 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Mike "Mike" Wilbourn, '66 Sent in some contact information.
Gloria Jane "Jae" Cantrell Gordon, '67 Updated her @Baker page.
Sandy Schafer Curto, '67 Updated her @Baker page and contact info, and uploaded a picture.
Michael P. Dansereau, '70 Updated his contact information.
David M. Bacchus, '71 Updated his contact information and his @Baker page.
Debi Brown Martin, '73 Updated her contact information.
Norman Taccati, '73 Updated his contact information.
Michael S. Bailey, '74 Signed in for the first time.
Mary Bowen Benes, '74 Updated her email address and sent an update on her child, who is off to college in the Fall.
Scott Monroe, '74 Uploaded a new picture.
Randall Eskin, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Gerri Harrow Jones, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Jeff D. Mackey, '76 Updated his/her e-mail address and contact information.
Sharon Stanford Nicolay, '76 Signed in and put some info on her @Baker page.
Carolyn Vines Mundy, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Charles Keith "Keith" Panco, '77 Updated his e-mail address and uploaded a new picture.
Jewel Diolosa Youngs, '83 Remembers the good times at Baker.
David Powell, '83 Updated his contact informatiom and his @Baker page.
Jimmy Harris, '84 Signed in for the first time.
David W. Herring, '85 Signed in for the first time.
KimYetta Marketta "Kim" Smith Legree, '88 Living in Atlanta but missing all my old high school buddies. If you see this then send me an e-mail to let me know how you're doing.
Jonathan Lomar "Jon" Jones, '90 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Chris "Shock" Shelling, '91 Signed in for the first time.
Tiffany L. Terry, '91 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information.
Wilma C. Teague, Faculty Signed in for the first time and gave us her e-mail address and contact information.
Ray Huston Davis, '58 Updated his contact information.
Charles Rollins, '60 Now has ten grandchildren!
Jean Kaeserman Wallace, '63 Signed in for the first time.
Jeff Hesser, '64 Recalls B-Team Football at Baker.
Mattie "Sue" Richburg Williams, '64 Sue just celebrated her 33rd wedding anniversary. There are pictures and more info on her @Baker page.
David Knopf, '65 Updated his contact information.
Mary Anne Shuff Hampton, '65 Revised her @Baker page.
Joe Donald Bacchus, '67 Uploaded All Class Reunion photos of Baker Band Members
Brian Heshizer, '67 Signed in for the first time.
Jesse Maynard, '67 Updated his contact information and uploaded a picture with his Harley.
Susan Margaret Tjossem Kirkpatrick, '67 Signed in for the first time.
Lola Rebecca Ann "Becky" Young Teninty, '68 Signed in for the first time.
Gene Brewer, '69 Updated his contact information.
Nancy Marie Rogers Wildenberg, '69 Updated the bio on her @Baker page.
Michael James "Mike" Figueroa Hinkle, '70 Updated contact information for Mike "Big Fig" Figuero (Hinkle)Class of 1970.
Diana Russell Powell, '70 Signed in for the first time.
Kathy F. Adams McCrary, '71 Sent in some contact information.
David M. Bacchus, '71 Just added some details to his @Baker page.
Vicky Darcel Drew, '71 Is a teacher in Virginia.
Debra Eileen "Debbie" Johnson Jacobs, '71 Updated her e-mail address. She remembers hanging out at the Krystal.
John William McAuliffe, '71 Sent lots of information for his @Baker page.
Nancy McTaggart Hankinson, '71 Is in Savannah. There's more info on her @Baker page.
Virginia Arlene "Gini" Duke Morgan, '72 Uploaded some new pictures; check 'em out!
Carol Marie Rollins Dunn, '72 Has information, pictures and contact info on her @Baker page.
Cynthia E. "Cyn" Sneed, '72 Signed in for the first time.
Marlyn Thornton, '73 Signed in for the first time.
Zachary "Zach" Brown, '75 Signed in for the first time.
John C Ramsey, '75 Signed in for the first time.
Barry T Duke, '76 Has a picture and some information on his @Baker page. Barry Duke has signed in.
Karl N. Hjort, '77 Updated his contact information.
Peter Sharp, '77 Signed in for the first time; there's contact information and an email address.
Tom Stafford, '77 Signed in and gave us an e-mail address and contact information.
johnnie deral Lynch, '79 Signed in for the first time.
Donald Powell, '83 Signed in for the first time.
Tami Studenwalt Lucas, '83 Updated her contact information, revised her @Baker page, and uploaded some new pictures.
Niya Freeman Nkansa, '84 Signed in for the first time.
Darrell Fields, '89 The information on his @Baker page recalls the Baker Alma Mater.
Wanda Y. Jenkins, '89 Updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Christopher Aiken, '91 Signed in for the first time.
Robert Louis "Bob" Mooers, '58 Signed in for the first time and updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Catherine "Cathie" Maass Cornell, '59 Signed in for the first time and updated her contact information.
Bobbie Jean "Bobbie" Williams Wotus, '59 Signed in for the first time.
Jan R. Pierce, '61 Signed in for the first time and updated his contact information.
Rebecca "Becky" Elliott Johnson, '65 Signed in for the first time.
Linda Ford Ford Omundsen, '65 Signed in for the first time.
Mary Anne Shuff Hampton, '65 Updated her e-mail address and contact information. Mary Anne has revised her @Baker page.
Donna Burr, '66 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address.
Pat Hartnett Weber, '67 Signed in for the first time.
David L. Henson, '67 Signed in for the first time.
Gene Brewer, '69 Signed in for the first time and updated his e-mail address and contact information. There's new information on Gene's @Baker page.
Linda Dayle "Dayle" Porter, '69 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Nancy Marie Rogers Wildenberg, '69 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address. and contact information. There's new information on her @Baker page.
Billy Thomas Thornton, '69 Updated his contact information.
Barbara Lynn Burroughs Knoelke, '71 Signed in for the first time.
Debbie Patricia Horton Parker, '71 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address and contact information. There's new information on her @Baker page.
Agnes Wade Howard Rider, '71 Signed in for the first time.
Debra Eileen "Debbie" Johnson Jacobs, '71 Signed in for the first time. There's new information on her @Baker page.
Sandra Lumsden Aycock, '71 Signed in for the first time.
Joyce Regina Torbic Livingston, '71 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address and contact information. There's new information on her @Baker page.
Deborah Rich Ward Johnpeer, '71 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Debi Brown Martin, '73 Signed in for the first time and updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Theresa Cupp Sharp, '73 Theresa says she finally updated her page!
Robert "Pepper" Kile, '73 Has new information on his @Baker page and new contact information.
Patricia ""Lil Marv"" Marvets Godown, '74 Signed in for the first time and has new information on her @Baker page.
Joseph E "Joe" Durham, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Cynthia Harvey Cain, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Jeff Norris, '76 Has some new info in his @Baker page.
Debby Weatherholtz Chadwick, '76 Signed in for the first time and updated her contact information.
Ron Guilbeault, '77 Signed in for the first time.
Alan C. Jarvis, '77 Revised his @Baker page.
Karen Parker Gaskins, '78 Provided contact information on her @Baker page.
Vida Merinda Walden Cross, '78 Signed in for the first time.
Lisa Livingston Trillet, '79 Signed in for the first time.
Andrea "Bird" West, '79 Updated her contact information.
James Dean Walton, '80 Tells us what he's been up to since he graduated.
Rachelle N Ronig Currington, '81 Has contact information for Lions on her @Baker page.
Charlie W. Darsey, '82 Signed in for the first time.
Norman J. Andrews, '83 Signed in for the first time.
Ulrica Lynn Dent Bugg, '83 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information.
Jewel Diolosa Youngs, '83 Has three children, and remembers her friends from Baker. See her @Baker page
Michelle Smith Scott, '85 Signed in for the first time and provided her e-mail address and contact information.
Kellie Mahoney Powell, '86 Signed in for the first time. Kellie recalls Mr. Liebendorfer's observation tests.
Bradley Marshall, '88 Uploaded some new pictures and revised his @Baker page.
Ralph "Boot" Allen, '89 Signed in for the first time.
Venus Askew Marshall, '89 Revised her @Baker page.
Tonnia Lee Apfel, '90 Signed in for the first time.
Rodriquez Lamar "Rod" Shipman, '90 Signed in for the first time.
Natasha Nicole Treleaven, '90 Signed in for the first time and her contact information.
Lequisha N. "Quisha" Jett Armstrong, '92 Signed in for the first time and uploaded a new picture.
Preston Henderson, '54 Revised his @Baker page.
Gerald Sanders, '56 Signed in for the first time.
Jean Overby Harron "Horse" Overby, '57 UUpdated her contact information and revised her @Baker page.
Jimmy Ray Andrews, '59 Signed in for the first time and uploaded a new picture.
Beverly J Crownover Holland, '59 Signed in for the first time. She has nine grandchildren. There's more information on her @Baker page.
Dianne Holt Brooks, '59 Signed in for the first time and sent in some contact information.
Betty Joiner Harden, '59 Signed in for the first time.
Wayne Hubert Matthews, '59 Signed in for the first time. Updated his contact information.
William J. "W. J." Orr, '59 Has some information on his @Baker page.
Huston "Sonny" Sansome, '59 Updated his e-mail address and revised his @Baker page.
Sandra Snider Littleton, '59 Signed in for the first time and updated her contact information.
Sandra Rebecca "Sandi" Tomblin Head, '59 Signed in for the first time and sent us some contact information.
Bradley Woodard, '59 Signed in for the first time and updated his contact information.
Karen S. Ottley Howell, '60 Tells what she's been doing for forty years!
Michael Henry "Mike" Barbera, '61 Signed in and provided his contact information. Signed on.
Frank L. Duke, '62 Revised his @Baker page. Check the pictures!
Patsy Faye Williamson Brannock, '64 Is doing missionary work in Guatamala.
Burlyn Barker, '65 Updated her contact information.
Evelyn Gunter, '65 Signed in and put a lot of information on her @Baker page.
Nancy Elaine McDaniel, '66 Signed in for the first time.
James H. "Jim" Meeks, '66 Updated his contact information and revised his @Baker page.
Anne S Merrill Hebert, '66 Signed in for the first time.
Ron Roth, '66 Reports that he's an avid golfer.
Dale P "D P" Taylor, '66 Sent in an e-mail address and updated his contact information.
Joe Donald Bacchus, '67 Sent in photos, phone numbers and bio.
Linda Thomas Maillard, '69 Has new contact information.
Kathleen Marie "Kathy or Kate" Wilder, '69 Sent her e-mail address.
Rodney Wolfinger, '69 Is retired from the Army and living in Phenix City.
David M. Bacchus, '71 Has fond memories of Baker.
Donald Glenn "Donnie" Burns, '71 Don Burns has updated his contact information and sent some pictures/
LaDonna Brindos, '73 Signed in for the first time. Updated her contact information.
Lori Anne Ogden Preston, '73 Updated telephone numbers, contact information, and bio.
Patti Jo "pj" Potter, '73 Says she's proud to have attended Baker. She sent new contact information.
Wava Mulford Friedman, '74 Sent in contact information.
Richard Rodriguez, '74 Signed in for the first time.
Ron Scott, '74 Signed in for the first time.
Eugene Moore, '75 Signed in for the first time and revised his @Baker page.
Joe Andrews, '76 Signed in for the first time.
Ralph Westphal, '76 Updated his contact information.
Tanya Williams Wilson, '76 Sent in an e-mail address and contact information.
Vicki Grundy Harris, '78 Updated her contact info and revised her @Baker page.
John "john boy" Shafer, '78 Signed in for the first time.
Valerie A. "Val" Lucier Lucier-Diaz, '79 Signed in for the first time. She's in Huntsville.
Wilbur Nolan "Nolan" Leatherwood, '80 Signed in for the first time.
Sarah Ellen "Sam" Mazeika Thompson, '80 Updated her contact information.
Kelly Osborne Barnes, '80 Signed in for the first time.
Derrick D. Heard, '83 Is expecting a new addition to their family.
David B. Otis, '83 Revised his @Baker page.
Ronald "Ron" Payne, '84 Signed in for the first time.
Yong Mi Won Kelly, '85 Signed in for the first time. She's looking forward to starting her own career.
Steve Waters, '86 Just signed up and saying Hello! Read more on his @Baker page.
Jennifer Smith, '87 Signed in for the first time and sent us contact information.
Joanne Elizabeth Harbin Brulc, '88 Uploaded a new picture.
Cordell Hayes, '88 Signed in for the first time. Updated his e-mail address. Updated his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Joseph "Joe" Jones, '89 Signed in for the first time.
Maurice Parks, '89 Signed in for the first time.
Debra Turley Gates, '89 Signed in for the first time.
JaLunda Banks, '91 Signed in for the first time. She's put some info on her @Baker page, including a picture of herself and a picture of her nieces.
Allison Biggers, '91 Signed in for the first time. Updated her e-mail address. Updated her contact information.
Linda Daniels McDonald, '91 Signed in for the first time.