Roy Eugene "Gene" Entrekin, '59 Revised his @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures of himself and his wife, Delores in Canada.
Clayton "Butch" Price, '64 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
David "Dave" Deno, '65 Updated his e-mail address.
Donna Gaile Howard Hiller, '65 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information.
Larry Mercer, '65 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Steve L. Howard, '66 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Rafael "Ralph" Merced, '67 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information.
Judith Gail Wood Freeman, '67 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Sandra R. Mansmann, '77 Signed in for the first time and revised her @Baker page.
Vincent Pasko, '80 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Marlo Harris, '90 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Shelba Jean Davenport Burwell, '64 Updated her e-mail address.
Mary Beth Joseph Cordon, '65 Signed in.
Bonna "B the S" Sneed, '77 Updated her e-mail address and contact information.
David B. Otis, '83 Uploaded some new pictures and announced the birth of "Davy" Jr. on Aug. 26, 2004.
David Powell, '83 Updated his e-mail address.
Candace Jean "Candy" Mosier McHenry, '65 Updated her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page: "I have added an update to my web page. I received a promotion at The Educational Testing Services and added information in regard to my new position."
Billy "Bill" Kotulan, '72 Updated his contact information.
Joanne Newman Farris, '72 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Mike McNerney, '78 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Valerie Cornelia "Val" Stephens Harvey, '92 Signed in for the first time and added contact information.
Howard Furr, '48 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Mary Frances Duncan, '58 Revised her @Baker page.
Faye Tidwell Tidwell-McClelland, '58 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Frances Carolyn "Carolyn" Ramsey Waits, '63 Signed in.
Cynthia "Cindy" Rush Preston, '65 Updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Brenda Cabler Mathers, '67 Uploaded some new pictures.
Charles Richard "Richard" Tolbert, '67 Signed in for the first time. Added his e-mail and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Stephen Michael Ponikarski, '69 Updated his contact information.
Dianne P. Reid, '69 Signed in for the first time. Added her e-mail and contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Jesse "Ray" Gunn, '71 Signed in for the first time. Added his e-mail and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Diane Biglane, '72 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Rosa Miller "Missy" Mazeika, '72 Updated her e-mail and contact info.
John "JB" Brooks, '75 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Steven G. "Steve" Grant, '75 Signed in for the first time. Added his e-mail and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Frank Norbury, '75 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Angela D. Watt, '75 Signed in.
Maria Teresa Lopez Adams, '77 Revised her @Baker page.
Donna "Maria" Ross Beeman, '78 Signed in.
Alphonso "Big Al" Johnson, '79 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Edward "Ed" Sutcliff, '79 Updated his contact information.
Andrea "Bird" West, '79 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Tami Studenwalt Lucas, '83 Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Jimmy Harris, '84 Updated his e-mail address.
Oliver Walton, '85 Signed in.
Dorothy Rita Olsen Campbell, '52 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Claudia Hutcherson Bost, '53 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail and contact information. Revised her @Baker page and upload a picture of her home.
Foster Watkins, '55 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Donna Mae Buck Lucenius, '59 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Roy Eugene "Gene" Entrekin, '59 Revised his @Baker page and uploaded a new picture: "I updated my biographical information and uploaded a recent picture of my wife and me."
Barbara Lane Dixon, '59 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
William Jessie. "W. J." Orr, '59 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Gerald Lamar "Jerry" Entrekin, '62 Signed in.
John Schulz, '63 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information.
Mary Kathleen "Kathy" Geoffrion Dale, '64 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded several pictures: Then, Now and Family.
Marrilyn Hartman Jones, '64 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Donnie Francis Melton, '64 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Brenda Elaine Whitley Wood, '64 Signed in.
Robert L. "Bob" Brown, '65 Updated his contact information.
David "Dave" Deno, '65 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Rebecca Wynell "Becky" Keahey Morris, '65 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page: "Would like to reach Marsha Christian Crabtree. I understand she is looking for some of the 60s Nellingen Germany bunch. Please email me Marsha. Thanks"
Henry Mixon, '65 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Terry Wayne Malley, '66 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Janice G. "Jan" Pait Bolles, '66 Revised her @Baker page.
Pamela Powell Williams, '68 Added her contact information.
Edna M. Windham Dixon, '68 Signed in for the first time and her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Charles Craig Davis, '70 Signed in for the first time and revised his @Baker page.
Terry Dean Jackson, '70 Signed in.
Charles William "Bill" Land, '70 Updated his contact information.
Candace M. "Candy" Walding Fike, '70 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Mary Susanne "Susie" Druash, '71 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Virginia Arlene "Gini" Duke Morgan, '72 Updated her contact information and uploaded some new pictures of her family.
Laura A. "Dusty" Lincoln Donaldson, '72 Signed in for the first time and revised her @Baker page.
Perry Lopez, '72 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Rosa Miller "Missy" Mazeika, '72 Updated her contact information.
Paul Gregory Reynolds, '72 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address.
Lee Allen, '74 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Bernard "Buddy" Bentfeld, '74 Revised his @Baker page and uploaded some new pictures: "Hey what happen to your hair dude?"
Michael Graziano, '74 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Debra "Debbie" Hinton Williams, '74 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address.
Tyrene Hall Hickman, '76 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Michael "Mike" Harty, '77 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Robert Donald "Deal" Deal, '78 Signed in for the first time. Added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Lora Flowers Woodard, '79 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Kenneth Lee "Kenny" Kay, '81 Updated his e-mail address.
John Ramsey, '83 Signed in for the first time. Added his e-mail address and contact information.
Buddy Burgy, '85 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Yonita E Mills Rowell, '86 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Alwin Paul, '87 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Daniel Blanco, '89 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Monica Wilkerson Rease, '89 Revised her @Baker page.
Judith Ann "Judy" Edge Ericksen, '62 Added her e-mail and contact information.
Gloria Jean Cooper Brossoit, '64 Updated her contact information.
Elaine Miller Filipiak, '64 Updated her contact information.
Brenda F VanLandingham Miller, '64 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Robert L. "Bob" Brown, '65 Uploaded some new pictures.
Frances Ann "Franki" Calloway Hodge, '65 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded a recent picture of her and her family.
Rebecca Wynell Keahey "Becky" Keahey Morris, '65 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Mary Anne Shuff Hampton, '65 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Delbert "Del" Pratt, '67 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information.
Pamela Powell Williams, '68 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded some new pictures.
Anona Cox, '69 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Charley Echols, '69 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Shirley Ann Goon Ramsey, '69 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Richard W. "Polar Bear" Johnson, '69 Updated his contact information: Retired from Bellsouth and living in South Florida.
Michael Redmond, '69 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Dianne P. Reid, '69 Revised her @Baker page.
Carolyn Leora Hall Tidd, '70 Revised her @Baker page.
Edith Diane Ray, '70 Signed in for the first time and added her contact information.
Bryan Willis, '70 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Laura Britt Gluhm, '71 Signed in and added her contact information.
Martha Elizabeth Ann Kelley Campbell, '71 Updated her e-mail address and contact information.
Thomas Singleton, '71 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Sylvana Thomason Stratton, '71 Added her e-mail address.
Deborah "Debbie" Kitchens Southard, '72 Signed in for the first time and added her contact information.
Kathryn L. Palmer Ellis, '72 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address.
Vadora Spidle, '74 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and website address. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded a picture from 2001.
Jennifer L. Johnson, '75 Updated her contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Debra Duncan, '76 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information.
Sharon Lynn Money Wilson, '78 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Tim Davis, '81 Signed in for the first time. Revised his @Baker page and uploaded a recent picture of himself.
Tuwanna Lafond Ray, '81 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Bruce Bradley, '84 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
John D Przenkop, '84 Signed in for the first time and added his contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Danny Bedsole, '64 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page and uploaded a 1994 picture of himself.
Gloria Jean Cooper Brossoit, '64 Uploaded some new pictures, one looks like it was taken on Sadie's Hawkins Day.
Mary Kathleen "Kathy" Geoffrion Dale, '64 Updated her contact information and uploaded some new pictures of herself and her family.
Mattie "Sue" Richburg Williams, '64 Revised her @Baker page. Uploaded some new pictures of her and Lindy Williams, 2003 and family.
C. Linwood "Lin" Williams, '64 Uploaded some new pictures of himself and family.
Linda Daniels Hawthorne, '66 Updated her e-mail address.
Robert Oakes, '67 Signed in.
Delbert "Del" Pratt, '67 Updated his e-mail address and contact information.
Lou G. Nelson, '68 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Mary Ann Caldwell, '69 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Robert W. "Bob" Pawson, '69 Revised his @Baker page: "Found Bill Lober (in TX) and his brother Terry (in KS)! Thanks to the Baker web page... Bill stumbled across my message when he did a Google search of his own name. :-)"
Dianne P. Reid, '69 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded a recent picture of herself.
Jeanette La Verna Simpson Nu'Man, '69 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Robert A. "Bob" Allport, '70 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Laurianne "Puff" Fellenz Dubia, '70 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page and uploaded some new pictures.
Carolyn Leora Hall Tidd, '70 Revised her @Baker page: "Just checking in with a few updates on the family side of things."
Linda McCorkle Hurst, '70 Signed in for the first time and added her e-mail address and contact information. Revised her @Baker page.
Tommy McKenzie, '70 Signed in for the first time and added his e-mail address and contact information. Revised his @Baker page.
Danny Lee Garnett, '71 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
John Hellvig, '71 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Yvonne "Yvonne" Bowman Wilbanks, '72 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Perry Lopez, '72 Updated his contact information.
Ralph Mitchell, '73 Updated his contact information.
James Rogers, '73 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Rickey "Rick" Burns, '74 Revised his @Baker page.
Judith A "Judi" Golden Bixler, '74 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Gary Wells, '74 Updated his e-mail address.
Marilyn Ingram Joyner, '76 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Harold L. "Buddah" Thomason, '76 Updated his contact information.
Hector Luis Santiago, '77 Signed in.
David "Moose" Gallegos, '79 Updated his contact information and uploaded a picture of himself and Sylvia Head.
Sylvia F. Head, '79 Updated her contact information and uploaded a picture of David Gallegos and herself and her sons.
Warren Jay LaMont, '80 Signed in for the first time and didn't make any changes.
Venus Askew Marshall, '89 Uploaded some new pictures of herself and is currently living in Sicily!